PRO line extension discussion


Well-known member
vibrant grape is definately a better texture than creme de violet (which i hate) and it has better color payoff and is slightly more purple. india ink and naval are pretty unique. naval might be compared to blu noir though, maybe a little lighter though? deep damson kicks sketches ASS. never thought id say that but boy do i love deep damson. its similar to sketch but no shimmer at all
and its soft like a veluxe.


Well-known member
Yes, you should be able to call the pro number and order without a card. You will just pay the normal price. As said in other threads, if the rep gives you trouble try calling back,..but as of yesterday my call to the pro line indicates that the new stuff will not "Go Live" until the first week of July, which means you have to actually call a pro store and see if they have and are selling it already.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by a914butterfly
i just called the NYC pro store and they said they wont have it for another week or so since its comming from canada and has to go through customs and all that. im so upset, i was so looking fowards to going there saturday. i guess i have to wait for next saturday. i also dont see it up on the pro website

I got mine from the Pro store in Las Vegas 702-369-8770


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
I got mine from the Pro store in Las Vegas 702-369-8770

What did you get? My husband is going there on business next week and I am sending him with a list! LOL!


Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I know someone mentioned that this was just the first bit of new pro products and that we could expect more shadows and glitter later. Did anyone hear rumblings of new pro pigments? God, please say yes!

There are new reflects glitters coming out but I can't get a date on when (anyone know???). I heard colors like 'blackened gold' and 'copper rouge'. Not sure about pigments. Anyone have colors/dates/info on these? Last I heard MAC PRO cs told me sometime in June.


Well-known member
Maybe some of you all who are really familar with the Pro Products can help me out with this one:
I am NW45, I like brighter blushes (like Frankly Scarlet or NARS' Exhibit -A) and I am wondering which of of the Pro Blushes (including the new ones) would work with my complexion? Are the blushes so bright that you can't wear them during the day?

**Also, I tried to ask these questions in a Live MAC Chat, but they couldn't answer questions regarding the Pro Products. Do you think someone could answer my questions if I called a Pro Store or would that be too weird and inconvienent? TIA!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Twinkle_Twinkle
Maybe some of you all who are really familar with the Pro Products can help me out with this one:
I am NW45, I like brighter blushes (like Frankly Scarlet or NARS' Exhibit -A) and I am wondering which of of the Pro Blushes (including the new ones) would work with my complexion? Are the blushes so bright that you can't wear them during the day?..

I just rec'd my Azalea and Devil. I guess my others are following in the mail. Here are photos of those two.



On NW25

Devil is not as bright as Exhibit A. It is also more brown-based than Exhibit A. Whilst Azalea is the brightest blush that I have ever seen, it goes on surprisingly sheer.

With both of these, the lightness of hand whilst applying will really determine if you can wear them during the day (talking office environment here).

As an NW45, you could definitely rock Devil during the day. Azalea, would be a bit trickier due to the brightness, but the sheerness plays into it as well. Did that help at all, hon?

On another note, I am going to try mixing Azalea with white lipmix to see if I can get anything close to Heatherette LS.

P.S. Mzcelaneous - No laughing at my crappy photos!

OK-Part II

I am a little happier with the quality of these pics, although they kinda fail to show the diff between Exhibit A and Devil. I just can't win with my camera!

L to R: Nars Exhibit A, MAC Devil Pro Blush, Nars Taj Mahal




Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I just rec'd my Azalea and Devil. I guess my others are following in the mail. Here are photos of those two.



On NW25

Devil is not as bright as Exhibit A. It is also more brown-based than Exhibit A. Whilst Azalea is the brightest blush that I have ever seen, it goes on surprisingly sheer.

With both of these, the lightness of hand whilst applying will really determine if you can wear them during the day (talking office environment here).

As an NW45, you could definitely rock Devil during the day. Azalea, would be a bit trickier due to the brightness, but the sheerness plays into it as well. Did that help at all, hon?

I will photog Devil between Exhibit A and Taj Mahal for you in a bit

P.S. Mzcelaneous - No laughing at my crappy photos!

So I am assuming Azalea would be a bit much for NW15 for daily wear? It looks so bright, but I bet it would make a beautiful eyeshadow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
So I am assuming Azalea would be a bit much for NW15 for daily wear? It looks so bright, but I bet it would make a beautiful eyeshadow!

It might be a bit much as a blush.
smiles.gif would look pretty with a light hand and then buffing over it with the msf natural in light (considering you're an NW15), I'll bet. That is if you had to make it work in a pinch.
That is one of my tricks for toning down a blush or making it really look like a natural flush.

And oh yes...I will be rocking that as an eyeshadow. That is the first thing I thought when I saw it. Eye safe or not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I just rec'd my Azalea and Devil. I guess my others are following in the mail. Here are photos of those two.



On NW25

Devil is not as bright as Exhibit A. It is also more brown-based than Exhibit A. Whilst Azalea is the brightest blush that I have ever seen, it goes on surprisingly sheer.

With both of these, the lightness of hand whilst applying will really determine if you can wear them during the day (talking office environment here).

As an NW45, you could definitely rock Devil during the day. Azalea, would be a bit trickier due to the brightness, but the sheerness plays into it as well. Did that help at all, hon?

I will photog Devil between Exhibit A and Taj Mahal for you in a bit

P.S. Mzcelaneous - No laughing at my crappy photos!

OK-Part II

I am a little happier with the quality of these pics, although they kinda fail to show the diff between Exhibit A and Devil. I just can't win with my camera!

L to R: Nars Exhibit A, MAC Devil Pro Blush, Nars Taj Mahal



Thanks for posting these - now I know Devil is way too orange for me. But I do *need* Azalea!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by a914butterfly
i just ordered some eyeshadows from the LAS VEGAS Pro store. i cant wait to get them!!

Which ones did you get?


Well-known member
I keep hearing about Cantalope blush but there are no swatches of it anywhere. Does anyone have it yet? Might they be able to take a picture of it or describe it? Is it anything like any other colors? DH is going to the Vegas PRO store next week and I am not sure if I should put it on my list or not. I am NW15 if that matters...


Well-known member
i agree! everyone keeps raving about theblushes and i have seen like two! come on people, blush swatches!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Which ones did you get?

i ordered soot, india ink, vibrant grape, blue calm, kelly, and bio green


Well-known member
blah, drove to the PRO store in LA yeasterday and they didn't have the new stuff either
so tragic.

i really want to swatch Bottle Green & Riot. Deep Damson looks amazing!