Question for all you guy-savvy girls out there...

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I wound up marrying the baddest of all the asses. (LMAO!)

In June, we will have been together for 12 years (since we were 14), and May, married for 5.

I won't get into some of the total prickish things he pulled before we got married, but I will say that now, 12 years later, he is everything I could possibly ask for. He is a super nice guy, with tattoos and 300 Rock N Roll T shirts.

He can still be a bad boy, but now it's for better reasons.

I was talking to a girl I work with the other night. She was saying how she wished she could find a guy like my DH. I told her he didn't come out of the box like that. I had to put 12 years of work into him.

Which is partly true. The other part is that he grew up.

"Bad" boys have ONE thing over "nice" guys. And that's confidence. The know what they want, and they go for it.

I think you are completely correct!


Well-known member
Tell him to wait about 7-10 years. Trust this 34 year old in saying that the "bad boys" get old and we start looking for nice guys (ie guys who make good husbands)


Well-known member
Nice guys treat finding a girlfriend like finding a job. They think a girl will make their lives wonderful and happy. I've always found the stereotype about girls wanting commitment more than guys do so funny, because it's so not true. But that besides - any girl can tell instantly if the guy in question wants to be with her for her, or if he just wants to be with a girl because he's lonely. And it creeps us out every single time.

It's the "bad boys" who can be happy with or without a girl that makes us so attracted to them. Goes the same for girls. Guys are creeped out by needy girls too.

Tell him to enjoy his life (without a girl), and to enjoy every last drop out of every courtship he ever engages. The thing is to have FUN with it, put in effort without feeling like you're bleeding yourself dry, and move on to the next courtship if this one bombs. Take it niiiice and slooooow. Learn with experience. Accept that love will come and go like the seasons, until... one day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
she said it best^^^^^

i agree.