Red Dress Makeup! ~ need urgent help!


Well-known member
so im going to a party on thursday and i have a gorgeous short BRIGHT red dress
i decided im doing a smokey eye look but im not sure if i should do a brown/bronze smokey eye or a black/silvery gray one? pls help! which one would look better with red? also.. im trying to be brave enough to wear red lipstick cuz im so tired of nude lips {unless i shy out at the last minute!}, the only red lip stuff i have is Viva Glam I l/s and Pure Vanity l/g but they look icky on me so i came to the conclusion that i should stay away from blue-toned reds and try coral orange-based ones instead.. im thinking maybe Lady Danger l/s with Spring Bean lustreglass to tone it down or Lady Bug l/s? which would look better on NC20/25 skintone? TIA lovelies!! <3


Well-known member
Wow, that dress sounds hot!

I think that if you are going to be doing red lips, then a smokey eye PLUS red lips PLUS a bright red dress is a little too much, personally. I think you should decide between neutral eyes/red lips or smokey (oh, I like the grey smokey better!) eye/neutral lip.

In terms of what color for red lips - if you're dress is a true bright red (without orange tones), then go with lady bug as it is slightly less of a orange/tomato based red than Lady Danger. Since I can't compare the lipstick to the dress itself, take a minute and see which red lipstick matches your dress the closest. Often, it is easy to risk a color clash if a red lip and a red dress is of different tones (i.e. undertones).

Either way, you're going to be hot, have fun!


Well-known member
Lady Bug is aaaaawesome. as is Rimmel's Diva Red, if you can find it. i can't wear the blue-based ones either...


Well-known member
I think a bronzey brown smokey eye would be hot, and I agree with me_jelly that smokey eyes and red lips would be overkill with a red dress. Have you tried Spring Bean on its own? It gives a really nice honey color that would compliment smokey browns on your eyes.
And if you go with red lips, Lady Bug is awesome, especially since you said you're shy about red lips. It's pretty and glossy and not as RED as a blue based red

La Ilusion

Well-known member
For everyday, I would advise against the hot chick trifecta: smoky eye, red lips, red dress. But I am also -- and perhaps contradictorily -- one hesitant about 'rules.' I think that if you are looking forward to this event and feeling great about yourself, rock what you want to rock!
The trick is trying out your look before the day of the event so you have a chance to tweak it and be confident about your choices.

As for the eyes, I think brown smokey would be better because it's more natural and will complement a non-blue based red better IMO. You may even simplify your smoky look by using a shadow that has both lightness and darkness. For example, Woodwinked is primarily a nice brown-gold, but it also has some deep reddish brown that, viewed at most angles, shows up in the crease when you apply just Woodwinked from lash to crease. (At least on me it does.) So something like that might give you some depth without being hardcore smokey.

HTH! And have a great time at the party!!!


Well-known member
thank you so much for the recs ladies! your replies were great
i appreciate your help!

im definitely pickin up Lady Bug today =D & with that im thinking of doing a softer eye look with cat eyes {winged eyeliner} instead of smokey eyes..

Girl about town

Well-known member
i wouldn't do smoky eye and dark lips either make your eyes really dark with the silver and do nude lips , or else go for bright lips such as lady danger russian red or my fave ruby woo (depending on dress tone) a nude eye and liquid liner along top lash with loads of mascara x


Well-known member
hey hun, i think you shoud do a neutral eye with black liner and lady bug lipstick. you will look classy and ellegant


Well-known member
a smokey eye with a neutral lip is very sexy and you won't look overdone. Usually if you're already wearing something bright (i.e. your red dress) you should keep your face simple.

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