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sea and sky tutorial


Well-known member
I dont like blues in general but this is perfection!
Thanks for sharing!
This is fresh + vivid!
Could you PLEAASE PLEASEE do a focus-on tutorial of how you did your cheeks? I want to highlight exactly how you did it, but thats the part you cut off in this tutorial! ='(


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginspontaneous
This is fresh + vivid!
Could you PLEAASE PLEASEE do a focus-on tutorial of how you did your cheeks? I want to highlight exactly how you did it, but thats the part you cut off in this tutorial! ='(

I will certainly make sure to add that next time...sorry.

Thank you to all of you for the comments!


Well-known member
That is awesome! I am going to have to try using S&S with a white base ... it was harder than hell to get it to show up that blue on me! LOVE this!