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A good friend of mine killed himself last week. He decided that life was too tough, for whatever reason, and strung himself by a pair of jumper cables, in his mother's house. His little brother found him, crumpled at the bottom of the stairs as the cable broke. He died on Nov 16/06. 2 years ago, on Nov 23/04, another friend of ours, Daryl (Kev's friend too), hung himself in his parent's garage. His little sister found him. He was still hanging. In both instances, there were family members IN THE HOUSE at the time. They both killed themselves KNOWING that someone in their family would find them.
Neither guy left a note, so there is no explanation as to why they chose to do this to their friends and family. Especially with Kevin. This makes me soooo angry. He saw what Daryl's death did to everyone, and he chose to put us all thru it again, a week from the anniversary of Daryl's death. And yes, I'm sure it all ties in together, although Kev never left a note to tell us why exactly.
I just don't understand why someone would willingly hurt someone like this. Kev's mother is on her way into a nuthouse because of this. After Daryl's death, we all agreed that suicide is not the answer. It is selfish and ignorant. Kev was so pissed at Daryl for choosing to die and to leave us. So he does it himself 2 years later. Selfish prick.
I'm sorry, but i just cannot and will not understand how someone could do this. And these boys were not mentally ill. The only time I could accept suicide as an option is if you have a terminal illness, and you will die a painful death anyway. Then go ahead. But to have a bad day and decide to hang yourself in your family's home, that's just bullshit.
What do you guys think? Is suicide selfish or do you think that it's excusable?
Neither guy left a note, so there is no explanation as to why they chose to do this to their friends and family. Especially with Kevin. This makes me soooo angry. He saw what Daryl's death did to everyone, and he chose to put us all thru it again, a week from the anniversary of Daryl's death. And yes, I'm sure it all ties in together, although Kev never left a note to tell us why exactly.
I just don't understand why someone would willingly hurt someone like this. Kev's mother is on her way into a nuthouse because of this. After Daryl's death, we all agreed that suicide is not the answer. It is selfish and ignorant. Kev was so pissed at Daryl for choosing to die and to leave us. So he does it himself 2 years later. Selfish prick.
I'm sorry, but i just cannot and will not understand how someone could do this. And these boys were not mentally ill. The only time I could accept suicide as an option is if you have a terminal illness, and you will die a painful death anyway. Then go ahead. But to have a bad day and decide to hang yourself in your family's home, that's just bullshit.
What do you guys think? Is suicide selfish or do you think that it's excusable?