
Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pnk85
13. When you have more than 3 windows open and they are all on Specktra

HEHE I can have as many as 6


Well-known member
* When you reference specktra in everyday life among people that have no idea what you are talking about.

* When your SO knows everything thats going on with the ladies of Specktra and KNOWS THEM BY NAME

* When your SO tells you , " all you talk about is Make Up & Speckra"

* When you look at the Fotd's and decide you need to go out and buy EVERYTHING she used to create it


Well-known member
when you keep telling your self that you're going to turn off the computer at an even hour like 1am oh, but it's 1:07 now - just a little longer, just refresh the new posts one more time, just one more next page. Then it's 6am.

when your boyfriend makes fun of you because if you're on the computer you are always looking at makeup. When you should be looking for work but spend the day planning a trip to the nearest CCO 40 miles away. When you keep checking to see if there are new swatches to compare or future collection pictures to drool over.

when you lose track of your day making posts like this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
no way, what happened? I'm so scared of that happening to me, (with the office job)!

let's just say i spent way too much time on here and it added to up to 35 pages of history! i'm not blaming specktra because it was definitely my fault, but i took it for granted and just spent more time here than i should have during working hours. so as a result, i got the axe.
i started a new job this week so everything's okay now but like i said, never again. i can wait until i get home to view this wonderful site!

if you work for a big company and/or you know they have a major IT dept, then i would definitely be careful with your internet usage. someone can be watching you and you don't even know it. it's not worth risking to me anymore, so i'll stay off it until i'm home and on the weekends. so be careful!

Originally Posted by n_c
You win girl! LOL


ok no, it's nothing to be proud of. sad but true story!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ktdetails
when you keep telling your self that you're going to turn off the computer at an even hour like 1am oh, but it's 1:07 now - just a little longer, just refresh the new posts one more time, just one more next page. Then it's 6am.

when your boyfriend makes fun of you because if you're on the computer you are always looking at makeup. When you should be looking for work but spend the day planning a trip to the nearest CCO 40 miles away. When you keep checking to see if there are new swatches to compare or future collection pictures to drool over.

when you lose track of your day making posts like this.

this was me after i lost my job. haha except my bf didn't make fun. he was pissed off!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
let's just say i spent way too much time on here and it added to up to 35 pages of history! ....

if you work for a big company and/or you know they have a major IT dept, then i would definitely be careful with your internet usage. someone can be watching you and you don't even know it. ...

Had this same exact thing happen to me! It was early in my office career (read I was young and inexperienced), one day my manager called me in the office and had a HUGE stack of papers on her desk. She pointed out that the papers contained all the URL's I had visited in the last two weeks. HAHA Her husband was the IT guy, I didn't know a THING about office politics. It really depends on how "cool" your IT guy/dept is. Being let go because you used the internet for non work related purposes isn't a highlight of my career, but I'm glad I didn't let it deter me from forum communities or else I might never have added a forum to Specktra!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Had this same exact thing happen to me! It was early in my office career (read I was young and inexperienced), one day my manager called me in the office and had a HUGE stack of papers on her desk. She pointed out that the papers contained all the URL's I had visited in the last two weeks. HAHA Her husband was the IT guy, I didn't know a THING about office politics. It really depends on how "cool" your IT guy/dept is. Being let go because you used the internet for non work related purposes isn't a highlight of my career, but I'm glad I didn't let it deter me from forum communities or else I might never have added a forum to Specktra!

that's pretty much what happened to me and i thought i was cool with the IT guys because i had expressed an interest in going into the department. when it comes to them doing their job though, they sure didn't play around! no favoritism involved whatsoever. the manager had a huge stack of papers of my urls as well. the sad thing? i've had plenty of office jobs so i'm way old enough to know better.

and i think i speak for everyone when i say we're glad you didn't let it deter you either. as you can see, some us can't go without this site!


Well-known member
thank you. i was a little sad at first, but definitely not surprised. i guess it's one of those things where you feel invincible because you haven't been found out yet and then bam! you're gone.

i urge everyone to be careful about your non-work related internet usage at work. now's definitely not the time to lose your job!


Well-known member
hmmm i dont even know but im obsessed! haha u guys are all so hot, i love seeing everybody playing with makeup and learning new tips.


Well-known member
checking to see if anyone has posted any new info about collectons & color swatches.

Looking out for new posts

Hello, Yes.. I am a specktra addict lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum

I know I'm addicted to Specktra cos of the following:

**I cant buy any beauty product without having searched for every single post on it on specktra

I know what you mean! I search for everything, haha. "Best lipbalm..."


Well-known member
When you tell your loved one that they are your HG, and they look at you like you're freaking nuts, so you have to explain HG, and that it means Holy Grail. I think I said, "You know, my Holy Grail, my go to guy, the one I can't imagine life without." Yeah, I'm still getting teased about that.


Well-known member
When the first thing you think of when you wake up is "Hmm I wonder if there are any new Sonic Chic swatches?" Yes I did this this morning

I currently have 5 different Spectra pages open on Firefox

I just
this website!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
When you suddenly find yourself on the mac website adding stuff to your basket after looking at everyones hauls. (or is it just me that does this)

I do this too. LOL. I thought I was the only one. heheh. I guess we are all obsessed.