WHAT is going on with this auction??


Well-known member
It's apparently a different seller even! Maybe people think that this was from a few years ago? I don't think that I would pay that amount for ANY MAC product. If I go to the CCO every few days and pick these up, sell them on eBay, I will be set for funds next semester!


Well-known member
For me to pay that much....That scent would have to smell like they literally poured my man in a bottle...and then I could only see buying it if he was gonna be away for an extended period of time.....whereas his t-shirt he slept in the night before seems to work just fine $10 Target


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkbeauty27
Lol, that fragrance is nice but it isn't THAT great!

lol, i didn't even smell it! in fact i passed on the entire collection!