What to Pair w/Zonk Bleu e/s??


Well-known member
Hi Lovelies

I have Zonk Bleu e/s and I love the color, but I just have no idea what to pair it with.. thus, it sits lonely and untouched in my palette
What do you all like to use it with? (If it makes a diff. I'm NC37, brown eyes)



Well-known member
wow you could do soooo much with that. prussian, plumage, velvet moss, even handforged with club together with that would rule. Auto-de-blu is my all time fav eyeliner and that would work. wanna go bold, throw some rule i your crease...obviouslyy carbon for dark eye...i love ricepaper as a hilight for your skintone...if you want to keep it played down print or scene would pair well...