whats a girl to do with bright red hair!!


Well-known member
That red is like a fire hydrant! Cool stuff.

I like your eyes, I would have chosen a diff colour lipstick though, I don't think it suits the haircolor.


Well-known member
wow you are so tan for a "redhead" lol
I agree with the comments about the lipstick, it's not a great color for red hair. I am a natural redhead and I tend to do warmer colors with an orangey base rather than blue, I think it looks better.

For eyes I love browns/golds/taupes/bronzes, they are gorgeous on redheads!


Well-known member
thanks everyone... I know what you mean about the lippy but I kinda like the way it doesnt match... sounds weird I know but it makes it stand out more... I wore the saint germain lipstick today it looked SO contrasting and mismatching I ended up selling quite a few! Will get a red lippy one up next week at some point!


Active member
Good colour! *wink* And the greens look awesome with it!

As someone else with almost the exact same shade of hair, can I recommend purples? Urban Decay "Ransom" in particular sparks off with my hair brilliantly. Also, a warning - it will take you about 3 months of searching to find a red lipstick that works with the hair now, I speak from bitter experience