MAC Early Buzz - News on Products for 2013


Well-known member
This!!!! And I mean purple purples, not with pink or red undertones. I want blue violets, grey, etc undertones.

Feed the sense l/s


Well-known member
My Otherworldly PP is mummy dust (almost) so I'd love something similar to it or Rollickin'. I like the looks of Stormy Pink on the Face Chart, hoping its like Girl Friendly or Nubile, somewhere in that area but a cool pink with maybe some silver shimmer. I will love any pink though!
Lmaoo @ mummy dust!! Mine is holding up. I store it upside down. The edges are pulling away though


Well-known member
My Otherworldly PP is mummy dust (almost) so I'd love something similar to it or Rollickin'. I like the looks of Stormy Pink on the Face Chart, hoping its like Girl Friendly or Nubile, somewhere in that area but a cool pink with maybe some silver shimmer. I will love any pink though!


Well-known member
Thanks for responding! I don't think I will be getting any of those since mattes tend to be way to drying as it is.
Other than Ruby Woo, I don't think those are available anymore but the newer mattes are creamier than the retro mattes. I never used to like matte lipsticks but these new MAC mattes are very tolerable for me. You don't have any matte lipsticks at all?


Well-known member
vaisforluvrs, I always prep my lips with MAC lip conditioner and P+P lip.That helps me a lot.

Fortunatly I don' t have any problems wearing Ruby Woo and other matte lippies since I love them

Thanks for responding! I don't think I will be getting any of those since mattes tend to be way to drying as it is.


Well-known member
Copperhead, I just googled for the Retro Matte Collection and noticed that it was back in 1999.I had no idea that it was released so long ago

Retro Mattes are like Ruby Woo. A bit more drier than the other mattes. There used to be others... Verushka, So Be, Moxie, Bronx....


Well-known member
My hair was always super curly also. Unfortunately, my mom wasn't into girly type stuff and always kept my hair extremely short growing up (I mean short like a boy short). When I finally wanted it to grow out, it was mad Shirley Temple curls and I didn't know how to handle them or how to style them because my mom was never interested. I always grew up with friends with straight hair and that is always what I wanted. Now, I LOVE my curls, but I enjoy having it straightened out after my cut as a treat and to make sure that the stylist didn't cut too much off and that it's even in the back (I go nuts if it's not even in the back). You remind me of my cousin who also has very curly hair and has never had it striaghtened or blown out. I wish I could go back in time and love my curls. I did so much crap to my hair that it may have been a lot more thicker and curlier if I didn't have it relaxed and processed do much over time. Boo on me!
Enjoy your beautiful naturally super curly hair liba! I'm jealous!
I had long hair I could sit on when I was a girl, that spread out like a gorgeous cape, but my mother wouldn't let me take care of it myself and made me sit there while my grandmother combed it with a fine tooth comb every morning. By age 10 I was so sick of that I asked to get it all cut off, which my harried mother ok'ed out of convenience. 'Still is a little frustrating to think about. I've never managed to grow it out long like that again, but at least it's nice and fluffy!


Well-known member
I was always and still am VERY jealous of women who had and either still do or can grow out their hair that long. I was never ever able too no matter how hard I tried. I either got sick of taking care of it, got bored with it or my ends would be so dry I would just have to trim it. I used to take sooooo many hair growth pills to help, but their really nothing more than multivitamins. Nothing ever helped. I think it may have to do with genetics also. We are curly sisters. That is what I call my friends and coworkers who also have naturally curly hair.

I had long hair I could sit on when I was a girl, that spread out like a gorgeous cape, but my mother wouldn't let me take care of it myself and made me sit there while my grandmother combed it with a fine tooth comb every morning. By age 10 I was so sick of that I asked to get it all cut off, which my harried mother ok'ed out of convenience. 'Still is a little frustrating to think about. I've never managed to grow it out long like that again, but at least it's nice and fluffy!


Well-known member

"To create the fluorescent lips, Pecheaux first prepped them with MAC Lip Conditioner and then outlined and filled them with the red-orange MAC Pro Longwear Lip Pencil in High Energy. To perfect the look, he topped the mouth with the pale peach MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Runway Hit."

Runway Hit lipstick is a retro matte!
Yes a retro matte! So sometimes you do get what you wish for. Thank you Mac


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Genn
Spectra has slowed down a lot now that we aren't getting thing new for brains to process.

mmm-mmm-mmm, brainzzzzz! I hear there was a zombie attack in Montana a couple days ago