MAC Indulge Collection (August 22, 2013)

Pretty Honeybee

Well-known member
I finally tried Sex & The Oyster today. I put S&TO on the lid, put down a little of NYX's Black e/s on the outer corners/crease and then put a little bit of Moonlight Night pigment on top of that black e/s. Also, I had my very first accident with a pigment. Luckily most of it spilled on top of the lid of plastic rubbermaid type container. I politely got a plastic knife and scooped most of it right back in. LOL. I totally blame MAC and these new pigment jars/lids. Ugh.
Such a pretty look Copperhead :)


Well-known member
Copperhead that looks so pretty ! I'm sad I slept on S&TO
Thanks Lele! I think it's a pretty shadow. Kind of like a silvered aqua. That's what it looks like in person but in pics it doesn't pick up the aqua much, at least not in my pics it doesn't.

Thanks Pretty Honeybee!


Well-known member
I finally tried Sex & The Oyster today. I put S&TO on the lid, put down a little of NYX's Black e/s on the outer corners/crease and then put a little bit of Moonlight Night pigment on top of that black e/s. Also, I had my very first accident with a pigment. Luckily most of it spilled on top of the lid of plastic rubbermaid type container. I politely got a plastic knife and scooped most of it right back in. LOL. I totally blame MAC and these new pigment jars/lids. Ugh.

GORGEOUS, Copperhead


Well-known member
I agree with Liba that Gilty Morsel is a great eye shadow. Unlike Liba, my coloring is neither strongly warm nor strongly cool. I wear a lot of gold eye products for performances, but most of them are not good for the typical daytime look. Gilty Morsel is a perfect gold for day. It isn't too yellow, it isn't too frosty or metallic, just a nice shimmery highlight on my lids. I am very happy to have it - the only other shadow i got from this collection is Sex & the Oyster, which is a great aqua-grey. I already had Three-Ring Yellow, which, since it leans a bit green, works well with the lime and olive eye shadows i have.

I am very happy with my four lipsticks: dazzle gold Smash Hit, shimmery beige By Design, mauvey nude Feed the Senses, and glossy plum Sweet Succulence - luckily, i have no trouble getting even coverage with it - and one gloss, Liquer, which is darker than i thought at first, but still a great shimmery mauve-beige; I liked Ultimate Dish, but i think i have enough like it, since i don't wear gloss often. I've actually worn them all, and more than once.

And i like my 2 Fluidlines, Gilt Gourmet, gold with glitter - good for me as an accent liner - and Deliciously Rich, nice shimmery taupe brown, a good liner for me any time (i don't wear black eye liner).

As for Vino and Nightmoth, well, as a player on Team Purple, i had to have Nightmoth. It's a very dark, cool purple, and i'm always up for cool purples for my lips. It's one of the few lip liners i own, and i've had it for a while. But for me it is too dark and too violet to wear with my HG red, Deeply Adored. After testing DA with a range of liners, i found that Beet worked fine with it for a softer day look, but for night i needed something a little dark, and a slightly warmer blue-red than Nightmoth, so i ended up with Vino. (on me Brick was waaay too warm to go with DA). Don't know what took me so long to get it!
Glad you are happy with your goodies from this collection. Gilty Morsel is excellent because it's so effortless. I wish I could get away with more gold shadows than I can, but then again, I can wear strong bronze shades like Damson, Venetian Tarnish and Golden Gaze with ease. Still, Gilty Morsel gets a special place for the color and texture, so simple and yet so exciting, plus it hides my eye texture rather than making it more obvious, like so many frosty shadows do. If this is the new face of MAC lustre finish, then bring some more on!!! I'll take a nice warm pewter please!!!

I'm loving all the lipsticks too - they really were a good mix of different textures and perfected versions of useful colors. I got them all and have been wearing them all. Sweet Succulence goes on very smoothly for me too, btw.

I love Liqueur so much I've been waiting to bust it open. I still have a bit left of Spree, from a few years back, which I adore. Liqueur is a little darker, but in the same vein, so I will go back to using my Spree without all the rationing and then have Liqueur to make up for it. I'd almost BU Liqueur as a replacement for the future for Spree, but you know the moment I do that, MAC will bring Spree back, d'oh. I also got the two bright lipglasses, even though I don't usually turn to bright lip glass and just use lipstick instead. They really are spectacular and just right for this time of the year as something a little softer than vampy lipstick but just as much of a statement.

I do wear Nightmoth with Deeply Adored, but only as a liner, not filling in my whole lip. I still don't own Vino. One of these days… I honestly usually skip liner, even for vampy lipsticks and reds, just because I like that deconstructed look. I still have a smooth texture to the skin around my lips, but I see that changing in a few short years and then all those lip pencils are going to really start getting a workout. C'est la vie!


Well-known member
I ended up buying feed the senses on ebay. I couldnt resist not having this lipstick even though i havent even seen it in person. this is what i get for not being on top of makeup as i used to be. Ive kinda fallen off with the keeping up with collections and stalking them.


Well-known member
I am wearing sex and the oyster on my lids here...pardon my eyeliner running away from my eyes...I was in a club bathroom waiting for my friend to come out haha


Well-known member
I am wearing sex and the oyster on my lids here...pardon my eyeliner running away from my eyes...I was in a club bathroom waiting for my friend to come out haha
S&TO looks smokin on you. I am loving the lippy too is that By Design?? You look like you're having fun there while looking all sexy.