MAC A Fantasy of Flowers Collection (February 6, 2014)


Well-known member
i think i want to swap my old Stereo Rose for the New one.

The old one is too Orange and just not that pretty IMO.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

I've grown to hate my stereo rose..... Too light for a blush too pink for a highlight. I've been using it on top of blushes to add some sheen to it. But I prob would've done without

Maybe you just need to find the right lippies in your collection for it? I broke my SR v.2 out the other day to wear with Lots of Laughs l/g and it was perfect. Or maybe it's like what I run into this time of year, where I'm starting to get just a little more color in my face and some of the shades I can wear in late winter/early spring just STOP working with a screech.

I still like the new SR so much better than my old one from In the Groove. Much more wearable for me in every way, although come summer, I'll bust out the old one again and try to see if this year, it's working better for me.
Update on this liba... I kinda like it on top of bronzer....... And yea you're right I prob wasn't pairing it with the right colors. ... I tried again today hehe and liked it a bit more. Put it on rotation again


Well-known member
Does anyone have swatches of them side by side?
I dont know. All i know is that the Stereo Rose from this collection was Lighter

I found this. i dont know if you are gonna be able to see it tho.

wait here is the video

Swatches at 4:35


Well-known member
I dont know. All i know is that the Stereo Rose from this collection was Lighter

I found this. i dont know if you are gonna be able to see it tho.

wait here is the video

Swatches at 4:35
Thanks. I did not know they were that different.


Well-known member
Somehow I was browsing Nordies today and ending up ordering fleur d'coral and dreaming dahlia to add to my snapdragon and heavenly hybrid. I can't help it I love lustres