Recent content by godsgirl619

  1. godsgirl619

    NARS Glitter Pencil

    I just picked this up in Dancetaria and I really like it as an eyeliner. The only thing is that it tends to get mushy if that makes any sense. The tip after I sharpen tends to get squishy are hard to apply. Any tips on how to harden it up so to speak? Or am I just doing something wrong
  2. godsgirl619

    Filling in Dark Eyebrows

    Any color recommendations for filling in dark (black) eyebrows? MAC or other just something with good staying power.
  3. godsgirl619

    Eyeshadow Combos

    I am still trying to get the hand of putting together colors and what looks good together. So here is what I have, any recommendations on color combos/application (like what would look good on the lid, crease,etc)? I feel like I have a hodge podge of colors but nothing that really ties...
  4. godsgirl619

    Product marked sample

    I bought a MSF marked with a "sample" sticker. What does that mean? Real?
  5. godsgirl619

    Make Me Over

    Hey Ladies and Gents. I am fairly new to MAC and even newer to Specktra. Here is a pic of me, blank slate. Please make me over and hook a lady up with rec's on eyeshadows and lippies! I am trying to build my little collection of MAC up and could use a little direction and advice. I am...
  6. godsgirl619

    Mineralize Skinfinish

    Hello! I just purchased one the MSF in Medium Plus. What brush would you recommend for applying it? I currently have a 187 but just wondering if their may be a better brush that might give me better application. thanks =)