Recent content by paramourlace

  1. paramourlace

    Cult Of Cherry Event At My Counter

    The cult if cherry event at my counter was on sat. I had baked chocolate cherry filling cupcakes needless to say we had a lot of fun! I'm wearing.... spiced chocolate quad blacktrack fluid line plushblack mascara stubborn brown blooming blush kirsch mattene lipstick nightmoth lipliner...
  2. paramourlace

    Did Makeup For A Local Singer

    The photographer that i am working with was doing the shoot of a local female singer here in south florida. She is a beautiful girl, so i didnt really have to do much lol I also did her hair. FACE studio moisture fix studio fix fluid select cover up concealer mineralize powder EYES paint...
  3. paramourlace

    Make Up At The Counter

    Once in awhile i take pics if the make up apps. i do at work, i usually have my cam with me most of the time, so when i do i take some shots. FACE oil control lotion studio tech select cover up concealer mineralize powder EYES cream color base in fawntastic retrospeck e/s tilt e/s deep...
  4. paramourlace

    Studio Talk Look

    At my counter we had a make up class called Studio Talk with our trainer doing a make up on a model and everyone following her doing there own make up. I was one of the mua there helping with the look and assisting our trainer. It was really fun and a great experience once again *All products...
  5. paramourlace

    It's been a very longggggg time.....

    I went to a -not so big- fifteen's party in march and took some pics before the party with my so-so camera. I've been so busy with trying to get my school hours together so i can finish this year. Work at MAC was a up and down and now up again so I'm happy with that. I have many more photos to...
  6. paramourlace

    My little Geisha!!!

    I had a make-up competiton at school today and i was inspired by a runway model i saw in a magazine dressed in Geisha, but a more modrenized geisha with beautiful make-up, colors in purple and pink. I got the picture and used it as an idea to do my make-up for the competiton. There were two...