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  1. fallenzero1

    fotn...wrestling show from a couple days ago XD!

    during which i met a TNA knockout for the 2nd time...she was anyway, my make up... face mac studio moisture tint in medium mac studio fix liqid nc20/25 (don't remember which) sephora pressed powder mac blush (don't remember the color...sry >.<) eyes udpp sin ud half baked e/s...
  2. fallenzero1

    really not sure where this should go...need some advice...

    mods, feel free to move it to the correct forum...i apologize for this being in the wrong place! the bf and i are involved in a wrestling show tonight (cuz it is sat), he's wrestling, i'm announcing...and i'm not 100% sure what i wanted to do with my make up... i know i...
  3. fallenzero1

    angel/devil photo shoot...

    One of my friends had a brilliant idea to do an angel and devil themed photo shoot, of course, recruiting me as her trusty make up artist. The angel part, I had no problem with at all, I used a look I'd come up with months ago called Winter Wonderland. The devil shoot, on the other hand, I'm a...
  4. fallenzero1

    simple-ish going out look

    my best friend and i decided we wanted to go to chi lounge friday night...never got there...but we still went out! and, of course, i had to doll myself up...borrowed her shirt (shocking that it fit me, she's a skinny little nothing and i'm...well...not), but i sorta matched my make up to the...
  5. fallenzero1

    VERY bright

    udpp sin gesso e/s passionate e/s carbon e/s femme fi e/s (i think) rapidblack e/l ud 24/7 zero e/l ud eyeshadow to liner potion rose piggy dark soul piggy i really love how this one came out
  6. fallenzero1

    another wedding-esque look...

    bored today, overslept so i didn't go to work...this is what i came up with... plus, i just got my udpp sin, so i wanted to use it <333 products used: all mac unless otherwise stated face: stila sheer color tinted moisturizer mac studio fix powder nc25 mac powder blush mocha eyes: udpp sin...
  7. fallenzero1

    wedding inspired neutral browns

    yea, i'm trying to head more in that direction for now, considering i have make up to do for a wedding next face is the same on all of them: hyper real foundation (nc200) mineralize pressed powder (medium) powder blush (mocha) eyes: udpp bisque texture brown down rapidblack...
  8. fallenzero1

    4 looks...

    cc welcome! hopefully gonna have one more look posted soon... btw, question for anyone with a blogger it easy to navigate and figure out for myself? and should i just stop hesitating and get one? face is the same on all of them: hyper real foundation (nc200) mineralize pressed...
  9. fallenzero1

    whoa, i'll never give in

    subject not related...stupid RAW theme got stuck in my head papa roach <3... anyway, on to why everyone is! unusually bright for me, but i really love this quad <333 face: moisture plus (i think...) hyper real nc200 mineralize loose medium powder blush mocha eyes...
  10. fallenzero1

    baby, hold me tight and let this be

    subject not related...haha. yea, so i got bored of being a blonde...and i refuse to take pix without make look was born :-) face: select spf 15 nc25 mineralize skinfinish medium powder blush mocha eyes: udpp paradisco e/s trax e/s beauty marked e/s bisque e/s (highlight)...
  11. fallenzero1

    red/black look using Flammable

    my first time using it, my best friend got it for me for christmas...omg,i love it...i have to work my ass off to recreate this look when me and my boyfriend go out for our one year...haha! all mac <3 face: select spf 15 nc25 msf medium mocha blush eyes: flammable paint (omg <3) dangerzone...
  12. fallenzero1

    fotd 12.6.08

    a little late, i know...been really busy... anyhow, my bf had a wrestling show and i decided to wear a cute lil top he'd never seen me with a white, pink and gold flower design... face: select spf 15 nc20 mineralize loose medium (i think!!! >.<) blush mocha eyes: rubenesque p/p mac...
  13. fallenzero1

    12.4.08 fotd...very neutral, kinda smokey

    all mac <3 face studio fix nc25 (i think, don't remember the name ) mineralize pressed powder medium blush mocha eyes some smokey eye set from a couple of years ago...i'll post the names of the colors later, but i'm pretty sure 2 of them were vanilla and knight devine...sry >.< graphblack...
  14. fallenzero1

    purple/green fotd

    my bf told me at 4.15 that his sister is taking us to a party the same time, he showed me a pic of my fave wwe diva from a fitness mag, and she was wearing a bright lime green work out top and pink bottoms...i have a shirt in a similar color to that of the bottoms, so i used that as...
  15. fallenzero1

    fotd 11.9...finally posting one for spiced

    so, i think i'm a little bit late with the spiced chocolate quad, but it took me longer than anticipated to actually get it ()...but i did finally get it!!!, here's my fotd... face: studio fix nc25 mineralize powder medium mocha blush eyes: rubenesque p/p spiced chocolate quad (all 4...
  16. fallenzero1

    first fotd...halloween red/black look

    all MAC...i'm an face: nc20 select spf 15 medium mineralize loose mocha powder blush eyes: rubenesque p/p (base) dangerzone mes (red and black, foiling on both) black technikohl e/l don't remember what i used on my lips!!! >.<...sry...i'll update later if anyone wants...