Mixing Medium...


Well-known member
I've never tried the matte on my lids, but it's currently out company-wide. I called five different MACs to try and find it for a co-worker and none of them have it.

Why not try the new eyebase that's coming out with Prep and Prime?


Well-known member
I acutally bought Paula Dorf Transformer today so I won't be needing the mixing medium. Thanks though.


Well-known member
i use the hell out of this stuff.
i mix it with pigments or shadows. foiling is really nice with this stuff. wetlining. um, i mix it with all-girl sometimes and apply it to my lips under clear lipglass. um, the glitter pigments really stand out and *sparkle* *sparkle* with it too.
it's addicting. imo, anywho :)


Well-known member
As far as the two versions of this, which one do you all prefer, and why? Or for different purposes? I know one is water-based, I forget what the second one is!


Well-known member
Water based, cream based (face & body) and alcohol based.
Ive never personally used the alcohol based.

I use the water based for my eyes, whenever i want a bold look, or to help my look stay all day, or to help adhere pigments or e/s. I also mix it with pigments to create either a really metallic or satinny look.

The cream I use on my face or wherever when I use glitter. It really helps it stick, and it stays put with it, but I dont believe it is eye safe (hence the water based one).



Well-known member
Wet eyeshadows?

I've heard about putting on your shadows while it's wet??? I might be saying it wrong, but what exactly is this? are you supposed to add water to your brush and then apply the shadow?


Well-known member
Yes, slightly dampen your brush before getting the eye shadow on it. Usually if I am going to apply with water or mixing medium,.. I use my 242 brush which is more coarse and work up a little more loose on the top of the shadow and use the dampened brush to pick that up and apply it,.. It goes on intense but you'll want to be careful because it will dry and dust down if you put it on too thickly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
I used my brush wet with Brill and it ruined it, so I reccomend wetting your brush after you have the e/s on it.

True. Some eyeshadows, unless formulated to be used wet/dry, will be totally ruined if you wet them. Not just MAC, by the way.


Well-known member
Depending on the look I will wet my shadows to give them more punch. Of course the Roccoco line was formulated to be utilized wet, but they look great either way. Typically, I will wet a very small portion of the shadow just to do a liner. That way i fit does jack with the shadow only a small portion gets ruined. Though I have not yet run into that problem


Well-known member
yup, applying wet makes it look more dramatic, and some shadows can make awesome liners when wet, just be careful when you use it wet, don't use all the surface of the shadow, just a little corner because yes, some can be ruined.


Well-known member
im totally aganist wetting e/s then using them as dry after that if you have to do that buy a extra of the e/s you want to use as a liner or just try to use a corner if you cant afford to buy another. bacteria grows on the area that has been wettened by water, salivia (yeah some girls i work with do that its disgusting), oil - whatever you use to damped it. or you can buy this teriffic item from Too Faced that converts your eyeshadow into a eyeliner w.o really doing any real bacterial damage to ur e/s


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Face & Body Mixing Medium

I bought a bottle at a Pro store in Las Vegas. The bottle I bought is a creamy yellow color, but the bottles I see online (MAC Pro site and E-bay) are a clear product. What is the difference? It works fine for me, I'm just curious.


Well-known member
That is the same one I got when I was in Vegas. The MA there told me they were all out of the Mixing Medium for eyes only and that this is one for all over including the eyes. It works the same as far as I can tell.


my mixing medium (water based) is totally clear and the bottle is clear as well..like the other poster said, maybe she gave you the EZR?