“Brush Focus” on maccosmetics.com


Well-known member
MAC Professional Brushes perform better, last longer, with care.
New brushes: Wash with water to remove any preservatives required for shipping and to eliminate any loose fibre.
Daily: Clean brushes on a daily basis, or as often as required, with MAC Brush Cleanser.
Weekly: Clean with mild shampoo and water. Shape the damp brush into the working shape, lay flat and allow brush to dry naturally. 233 ml. US$10.00

Glad to see they recommend the brushes are cleaned daily. I don’t use brush cleaner, but I do wash them daily with a very mild baby shampoo. They dry a few hours after washing them and get stored in my brush holders I bought from Sephora.


Well-known member
Add me to the bad brush momma list! However, they did get a new Sephora inspired brush holder this weekend!


Well-known member
I wash my brushes once every 2-3 weeks!


Well-known member
For every day like switching colors etc., I just use the Red cap - Wet Ones Anti-bacterial wipes. They're great & clean all the color off of the bristles plus, it's dry right away so you can use another color


Well-known member
Did anyone place an order online today? I got this in my order from the "Order Overview" page.

Item: Brush Focus Tutorial
Order Status: ACCEPTED
Tracking Number:

I wonder what it is. I hope it's a special post card or something. I can dream......


Well-known member
^ yes I got that too, then when I went back later to check it was gone. Thank goodness the rest of my order was there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
Glad to see they recommend the brushes are cleaned daily. I don’t use brush cleaner, but I do wash them daily with a very mild baby shampoo. They dry a few hours after washing them and get stored in my brush holders I bought from Sephora.

It isn't good to wash your brushes with Baby Shampoo.. because baby shampoo is pH balanced for the EYES but not the HAIR. If you use shampoo, use a Shampoo that is for color treated hair, as the brushes are dyed. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Angelah
It isn't good to wash your brushes with Baby Shampoo.. because baby shampoo is pH balanced for the EYES but not the HAIR. If you use shampoo, use a Shampoo that is for color treated hair, as the brushes are dyed. HTH!

ooh.. tht's a great idea! I love buying cheap brushes but they bleed way to much for my liking


Thats funny because at a MAC counter the other day a MA told me to never use shampoo on brushes because it makes them fall apart and hurts the hair.


Well-known member
Irony: With the launch of Brush Focus, the Brush Cleanser is sold out on the Canadian site!

Originally Posted by -KT-
Thats funny because at a MAC counter the other day a MA told me to never use shampoo on brushes because it makes them fall apart and hurts the hair.

If it's a gentle shampoo it should be okay, not necessarily the same one you'd use on your own head, which is why Isperry mentioned baby shampoo. I guess ones for coloured hair would be great too b/c they're more moisturizing and less harsh, which is what treated hair needs.

I didn't know that the brushes were dyed tho - aren't only natural hairs used? Do they take time to make sure all the squirrel hair or goat hair is one uniform colour?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by -KT-
Thats funny because at a MAC counter the other day a MA told me to never use shampoo on brushes because it makes them fall apart and hurts the hair.

you can use shampoo to deep cleanse them every once and a while, but shampoo doesn't condition the bristles, which can cause them to break off and shed. plus, it only cleans it, it doesn't disinfect. brush cleanser disinfects and conditions.

Originally Posted by BlahWah
I didn't know that the brushes were dyed tho - aren't only natural hairs used? Do they take time to make sure all the squirrel hair or goat hair is one uniform colour?

all the black-haired brushes are dyed. mac doesn't use squirrel tho, only goat and pony (with the exception of ox mixed with synthetic for the 208 & 266).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mizuki~
Daily basis? Aww my brush cleanser is going to go gone just like that!

get a spray top! i got a spray top for mine so i can spray directly on to my brushes instead of spilling the brush cleaner everywhere.



Well-known member
This stuff is the shiz. A little goes a long way as I've had the same bottle for over a year. I should get a bottle of this for my mom-in-law. She has NEVER washed her foundation brush. She uses liquid foundation too. Ick. I should have tossed it when she visited last month...


Well-known member
For every day like switching colors etc., I just use the Red cap - Wet Ones Anti-bacterial wipes. They're great & clean all the color off of the bristles plus, it's dry right away so you can use another color

Oh that is such a good idea.


Well-known member
I was my brushes EVERY TIME they have been used. I use brush cleaner most of the time, and shampoo at least once a week


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
Irony: With the launch of Brush Focus, the Brush Cleanser is sold out on the Canadian site!

the brush cleanser has been sold out on the Canadian site for a while now...i wanted to buy it online a few weeks ago cuz i didn't have time to drop by a counter or freestanding store but it was sold out

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