1:22am in Brisbane Australia and I CAN'T SLEEP!


Well-known member

My name's Catherine and I've been lurking here on Specktra for a while, posting occassionally. I haven't worked up the courage to do a FOTD yet so I guess I'm pretty anonymous hehe. Anyways, it's 1:22am here in Brisbane Australia and I can't sleep and it's driving me crazy! I was *meant* to be in London but unfortunately I had to cancel my trip due to illness and I guess the disappointment is keeping me awake tonight... or it could be that coffee I had this afternoon.

So if anyone wants to chat to a bored MAC addict from downunder PM me with your MSN address and I'd LOVE to chat



Well-known member
Poor thing; I'd have a severe case of insomnia if I had to cancel a trip to London too. God, wish I could afford to go back.