168 / 174


Well-known member
I would say that it depends on what you are using it for. The #168 is great for contouring on the face, but not very large, so time consuming for the body.

The #174 is fairly ginormous. Ok for face, great for body. The #174 has much looser fibres, for a softer build/blend of colours. The #174 is a Pro brush (but occasionally pops up at CCOs).

The 168 is much less expensive. There is talk that the #168 will be discontinued shortly.

Hope that helps.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
There is talk that the #168 will be discontinued shortly.

Thank God I finally brought myself to get one!


Well-known member
i second the 168 i love it!of course for the cheeks but then again when i do pigments on the cheeks i like to use the 109 but then AGAIN the new 188 works wonders also...but i will always LOVE the 168!


Well-known member
maybe I'm just odd but I love the 174 for blush and bronzer its a little bit hard to get used to but once you do you'll never want to go back again. most every cco will carry this brush and will luckly keep the price down from the $70 something down to $40 which makes it a bit easier to afford


Well-known member
^ Wow, the 174 brush is that expensive? I'm guessing thats the most expensive brush MAC has made? I didn't notice any other PRO blushes on the website.