2 EOTD's (Tilt+Crystal Avalanche and...)


Well-known member
So here's the pic of Tilt e/s with Crystal Avalanace e/s and a bit of PPE Engraved

and a rather sad attempt on shadesticks

(Crimsonaire s/s with vapour e/s, PPE engraved)

I used a flash on the shadestick picture and it effed it all up. I dont know if it's the camera or just me...Crimsonaire is such a great color IRL but in this pic it looks like some avarage pink shadow... damn!!:crap:

The Mascara is Diorshow Black and the highlighter is from Catrice in all three of these pictures.

Thanks for looking huns


Well-known member
your doin better than me with the shadesticks. i never use them alone, i look hideous with shadesticks on alone. i always pair them up with an eyeshadow of similar colour..