2 Makeovers I Did - Eyes Only


Well-known member
So, I'm starting up my portfolio and going into freelancing and I've been practicing my technique on my friend to hone my skills. It's been fun doing them. I've had really bad allergies lately so I haven't put makeup on myself and this was a good way to getting rid of that itch to put it on.

All products used were MAC.

Chrome Yellow (lid)
Orange (outer corner)
Cranberry (crease)
Nylon (inner corner/highlight)
Typographic (lower lid/outer v)

Don't mind her brows here - haha. She doesn't like me touching them.

Mylar (lid)
Bright Fuchsia (crease)
Typographic (crease/outer v/lower lid)
Gesso (winged line)
Gems in inner corner
Blacktrack fluidline

But I did clean up her brows a week later after muuuch convincing. I trimmed it a bit. Taking baby steps! I will conquer them one day.

Lemme know what you guys think.
Thanks for looking <3


Well-known member
I like the second one a lot, but they are both really good!

I love her eyebrows though, I think they're a beautiful natural shape (if that is natural), I wish mine looked like that
I love seeing people with natural (but nice :])looking brows.