2 questions


Well-known member
Question 1:
In my User CP I found an entry called "Paid Subscriptions"!
For what do I need it?

Question 2:
Another thing I found in my User CP, joined groups!
There are two teams, the Belle Azure Team and the Madame B team!
What are they for?



Well-known member
#1- http://www.specktra.net/forum/showthread.php?t=29206
you already have these benefits, as you are already a donor. the paid subscriptions is just another method of donating to the site, this being a script which comes built in with the forum

#2- these are just fan-groups for those two collections. More may be made in the future. They came from the discussion about the speed at which color stories are released.


Well-known member
Thx for the past answer! You're my queen of the day!