2-Year-Old Chain Smoker!


Well-known member
Many of you have probably heard about this 2-year-old Indonesian boy who is addicted to cigs:

Smoking Baby Still Smoking, on Tape - The Early Show - CBS News

1-2 packs a day?!?!

Now, I know that I need to be sensitive to the fact that this is coming from an entirely different culture and place. But it's still crazy that the parents act like they can't do anything about it- where is he getting cigarettes from then? I totally get it if he were in his teen years or something but he is 2 years old! You're telling me you have no control over his actions? Yet they "hope" he will quit on his own...

It's so sad that this little boy is going to probably die very young because his parents won't step up and do their job.

Sorry, just had to vent!


Well-known member
yes this was in the news in the uk a few weeks ago nd it's pretty shocking and terrible. although apparently now the child has managed to 'cut down'.


Well-known member
Oh dear, it doesn't matter that this is another culture, imo some things are just wrong no matter where they take place. A child that young can't possibly make an informed decision on whether to smoke or not, I mean a 2 year old, seriously?


Well-known member
It's so sad though that no one is doing anything to help him- it's not like here where if the parents were incompetent, they gov't would intervene and take control of the situation. They must not have and DCFS-type organizations over there? Anyways, by "cutting down", they mean he went from 40 cigs a day to like 1-2 packs- that's still TONS. I mean I don't smoke so I don't know how many cigarettes are in a pack- 12 to 16? Either way it's so so sad.


Well-known member
Who gives the cigs to him anyway? And, something has got to be mentally wrong with the parents. If you had a 2 yr old in your house, there is no freakin way that he's even getting access to them.

gives a whole new meaning to the terrible 2s


Well-known member
I know Indonesians have a very high rate of smokers per capita/ population.. but this young child being allowed to smoke in any way shape or form is just the most flagrant child abuse I have seen without any obvious violence... The violence is against the child's health: he is obese, and he smokes 10-15 cigs a day having cut down.. his parents should be locked up for what they are doing to this poor baby.


Well-known member
This story just defies comprehension. It's sickening and those parents should be flogged. The mom says "I hope he quits"... Really???? That's all she has to say about it!!!!! How did he start!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
the really sad part is that this boy is probably not the only child of that age smoking. i don't care what culture you're part of, some things are just wrong and this is one of them. how would a two year old get started smoking?! when i was two i didn't know what a cigarette was!

i'm from scotland. we have one of [if not the] the highest smoking-related death rates in europe, children as young as 10 have been reported as regular smokers and although the age for buying cigarettes has been raised to 18, it's made very little difference to the numbers of teenagers you see on the street smoking. you get desensitized to seeing 13 year olds with cigarettes and cider here, but this story really shocked me. what kind of childhood will this boy [and others in the same situation] have? and why have his parents just stood back and allowed this?! my dad put the fear of god in me about smoking, and it worked!


Well-known member
The parents are just unfit in my opinion!
They shouldn't be allowed to keep him, since they obviously can't take care of him!! Why isn't the government taking him away?

The problem is solved as easy, as simply stopping to give him the cigs. cigs he should never have had access to.

Things like this just brings me to a boil!!!


Well-known member
I saw the news a few weeks ago, reading it made me sick. On the article, his mother said he started smoking at 11-month old? What the heck??! Who gave him his first ciggy? I think he has very sick parents. Poor kid!