219 brush for crease color?!


Well-known member
hello everyone! since i seldom post a topic myself, i figured i'd ask a question that's been plaguing me...how do you use the 219 brush for color in the crease? i've only use it to apply color under my eyes, in my lower lash line, so i'm kinda stuck. and, would u also blend that color applied with another brush, such as the 224 or 222? help a sister out, thanks lovelies!


Active member
i've used it to define my crease, it's works great for the outer v.. i've heard people using this for creaking a smokey eye look too


Well-known member
I love the 219 brush but you need to be careful not to apply too much colour with it. The dense short bristles mean it picks up a lot of product so if you want a more subtle effect be sure to get rid of the excess on the back of your hand first before using it on your eyes. I tend to apply crease and outer V colour with the 219 and then blend with a 222.


Well-known member
you can apply the e/s in the crease with the 219 and then blend it out with another brush. i don't have the 219 - i found some other crease brushes @ CVS that were $4.99 for two + a smudger brush, and they're just as good as the 219 IMO.


Well-known member
i have this brush and use it to create a smoky eyed look. I agree with zap2it, if you want a brush for the crease, try using the 222 brush or something similar


Well-known member
Im confused about what the "outer V" is, is that the V from the outer crease in a sideways v all the ending at the outer corner of the bottom lashline?

Or is the V supposed to be starting from the crease and ending right in that spot in the middle of the upper and lower lashline at the outercorner, where exactly does it start and end? hehe perhaps thats why my smoky eyes dont look good because i dont know what i'm doing!


Well-known member
Which crease would be best for very small eyes and for someone who is a totalt beginner with applying 'creases' and only wants a very subtle effect.


Well-known member
I use this for my crease everyday. I love this brush because I need definition in my crease to create depth. Sometimes I soften the look with a blending brush and sometimes I don't.

Here is an example of what I do with the brush-this is Beaded all over, Club in the crease (applied with 219) and Plumage to line. Club has not been blended out. I think there is some that awful Pepto Bismal color MAC came out with last year on my browbone.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocula
Is the 219 supposed to be stiff? Mine is not very flexible

Yes, it is a stiff brush. It's more for precise placement or smudging instead of blending.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jackie100
Im confused about what the "outer V" is, is that the V from the outer crease in a sideways v all the ending at the outer corner of the bottom lashline?

Or is the V supposed to be starting from the crease and ending right in that spot in the middle of the upper and lower lashline at the outercorner, where exactly does it start and end? hehe perhaps thats why my smoky eyes dont look good because i dont know what i'm doing!

I need a "V" tutorial! I don't even attempt this because I can never get it right.

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