226 blending brush - Where can I find it?

Wicked Lovely

Well-known member
I want this brush soooo badly
Does anyone know where i can get one.I dont order from ebay because i simply dont trust them.But does anybody know where i could possibly find one? Im a bit weary of doing the exchanges ive heard of only because i dont want to get scammed lol.If nobody knows of a place where i could find it has anybody found an almost exact dupe? Thanks


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

ME TOO!!! The 224 is a bit big for my eyes. I did find a brush similar at the make up trade show in london and it works fine but i don't know what the brand name is. It was spanish and they had a stall of loads of brushes that were really cheap. But i still want the mac one!! x

Wicked Lovely

Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Its making me crazy the 226 should be a permanant! lol And i know what you mean even if i find a dupe ill still want the 226


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Don't worry. The 226 brush is coming back in the Colour Craft collection that comes out on July 9th.


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
Don't worry. The 226 brush is coming back in the Colour Craft collection that comes out on July 9th.

Right. All you have to do is wait.

Wicked Lovely

Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Are you sure? I asked a woman at mac pro and she told me that the 226 would not be back for a very very long time.But i hope your right! lol not long to wait then


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

yes IT IS COMING BACK!! dont you worry, it will be coming out in one of our later summer collections, i would suggest getting 2!!


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Originally Posted by II3rinII
yes IT IS COMING BACK!! dont you worry, it will be coming out in one of our later summer collections, i would suggest getting 2!!

i got more than two


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Originally Posted by Wicked Lovely
Are you sure? I asked a woman at mac pro and she told me that the 226 would not be back for a very very long time.But i hope your right! lol not long to wait then

2 months is a long time when you're a MAC addict. lol

It's like a drug dealer telling a crackhead that he'll restock his crack in 8 weeks. Now that's some real shit.


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

I have an extra BNIP 226 that I bought for a CP swap that fell through. I don't even like the brush that much, I find it rather scratchy, wtf? But anyway, I'm stuck with this thing, no idea where the receipt went. I just want my money back.


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

The 214 is actually a permanent addition for MAC store locations. So the counters may be out, but you could order from online or a freestanding store and still get it.


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

This is good that the 226 will be back.. I will be getting it since the 224 even though I love it.. it's a little too big for my eyes


Well-known member
Re: 226 blending brush

Originally Posted by NeonKitty
I have an extra BNIP 226 that I bought for a CP swap that fell through. I don't even like the brush that much, I find it rather scratchy, wtf? But anyway, I'm stuck with this thing, no idea where the receipt went. I just want my money back.

I feel the same way! I bought it because I thought it'd be great, but I simply can't find a use for it. I don't like it at all... it doesn't beat my 224 or 222! Wish I'd have spent my money on something else.
Mac 226?

This might be a really stupid question and I feel like I should already know this but I've been eyeing up the 226 blending brush for a while but just haven't been bothered to buy it yet. So as I was on the MAC website making up my shopping list for my next trip to MAC I noticed the 226 wasn't on there anymore. So my question is...was this brush only LE??? If so anyone know where I can still get it?

Serves me right for being a procrastinator I suppose.


Well-known member
Re: Mac 226?

It was LE when it was launched with the Brunette, Blonde, Redhead collection at the beginning of this year.

However, it is being repromoted with the Colour Craft collection that is coming out in July, so you'll be able to pick it up then. Someone please correct me if I am mistaken, there are so many colour stories coming up.

It's a fab brush.


Well-known member
Re: Mac 226?

If you absolutely MUST have one now, we have a couple left in stock at my location. Lemme know if you want it or u can just wait for color craft
Re: Mac 226?

erine1881: I'm fairly new to Specktra and not completely familiar with the ins and outs of the site so I could have been doing it wrong but I thought I did a search and only 2 things came up and neither answered my question. Sorry.

MzzRach: Thanks for the info! That's great to hear

rt66chix: How sweet of you to offer! I think I can hold out until July (it's probably better for my wallet anyway if I do haha) but thanks a bunch!!