7 fake MAC pigments?


Active member
I've just bought 7 pigments from a trusted seller in Denmark, who said these pigments were verified at a MAC Store in Odense, Denmark.

I'll post some pictures/link to pictures, and hope you will decide for me, whether they are fake or not. I've taken pictures with my genuine Teal at the left, and a box from a Helium pigment that I'm 99% is genuine (I'm almost never 100% sure! It's so hard to tell sometimes


Well-known member
Only the pic of th Teal is showing - and the one on the right looks like a fake to me, sorry...
The box (whatever colour it belongs to) is real... I can also see the sticker on the side which looks like a CCO sticker.


Active member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Only the pic of th Teal is showing - and the one on the right looks like a fake to me, sorry...
The box (whatever colour it belongs to) is real... I can also see the sticker on the side which looks like a CCO sticker.

Thanks a lot - does the rest of the pictures not work??


Well-known member
Sorry those 7 are fakes
The Helium box looks okay from the top though (more pics would be great


Well-known member
Agreed with panda0410. The only authentic MAC pigment is the Teal on the left. Fakers are known for their dishonesty. They would say ANYTHING just to make you buy the counterfeit products.


Active member
Thanks a lot everybody - I'm getting my money back, luckily

I might return with more pictures, as I have a few other pigments I'm not quite sure is authentic or not, though they were sold by trusted sellers.