7 year old boy kills animals at zoo


Well-known member
I cannot BELIEVE the mother did NOTHING while her child killed so many animals. That makes me FURIOUS beyonds words.

I am sick to death of shit like this happening and parents doing nothing, claiming no responsibility. Birth control in the water and licenses before you can breed!!


Well-known member
I think that his parents should have definately been watching this kid,wth?Parents should not let their kids wander off period.


New member
as horrible as it was for the boy to do such a thing, you have to look at the way he was raised. though he's old enough to make conscious decisions, i can't help but blame his parents.
that kid is going to grow up to be a murderer(no joke)


Well-known member
some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

And some children should be unborn. this one in case. go back in the womb until you're ready, my little psychopath!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
Ugh. Again, some of you are just as sick as the boy.

Lets be adults, there is no place for disrespect towards other members on this board. Period.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I cannot BELIEVE the mother did NOTHING while her child killed so many animals. That makes me FURIOUS beyonds words.

I am sick to death of shit like this happening and parents doing nothing, claiming no responsibility. Birth control in the water and licenses before you can breed!!

I agree entirely. I bet the mother gets no form of punishment, and doesn't even get sent to parenting class.

But the heaviest little girl in the worlds mother got sent for MONTHS to parenting class, but i bet you, the judicial system wont give the full punishment because of the media and because they are "just animals".

I love animals and this story just brought tears to my eyes


Well-known member
A THIRTY MINUTE rampage???!! Where the fuck was his mother/father whoever? Forget suing them, because money is money, I'd say they need to be jailed for what shitty parenting they've done, and Psycho Jr belongs in a juvenile psychiatric facility. There's absolutely no way in the world anybody in their right mind with good upbringing would ever do something so awful. I can't believe nobody saw anything or did anything. Thirty minutes is an awfully long time for a child to be unattended to the point where nobody would notice what he'd done. I wish something would have bitten the shit out of him before he could do any damage and taught his bad ass a lesson.]

And I thought lipstick eaters were bad, jeez!


Well-known member
I wonder if the kid has been abused, because this is a behavior that severely abused children can display. I'm not saying that he has been, but it is a possibility.

I believe that people are born different AND are influenced by nature. One kid will react to abuse differently than an other.

I would never say "omg! let's kill the kid!!!" because that is just hypocrisy.


Well-known member
i don't know if this is a repeat because id idnt' read the 2nd or 3rd page, but no he didn't sneak in and his mother was there

"CCTV recorded the child laughing as he rampaged round the Australian reptile farm, his mother making no attempt to stop him. "


Active member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I find this really, really disturbing. Like, what on earth could have possibly made him do this?

I can only guess: but maybe his parents didn´t pay a lot of attention as to what he was watching on tv or the video games he played. Maybe he has an older sibling who played violent games?
It is pretty clear that his parents weren´t doing a proper job of teaching him right from wrong...
When I was growing up, I had a boy in my class who watched gore movies when his parents weren´t home. Noboy really looked after him...I remember that I found him really disturbing, even at the age of 7.


Active member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Even if his parents are horrible, or he got molested, the choice was still his. Seven years isn't so young that you have no idea what you are doing. He killed the animals and he knew what he was doing.

I am really not sure that he knew what he did.
At that age most parents still tell their children that the animal in that movie didn´t really die, that it will stand right back up...if they bother to watch a movie *with* their children.
And look at most videogames ( I know I am repeating myself) where you have to shoot people/creatures/animals left and right to advance to another level. Mindless killing, even if it´s just digitally.
If it´s allowed on screen, why not in real life? I don´t expect a seven year old to know the difference - I expect his *parents* to teach him and to keep these games out of his hands until he is old enough.

In a way this reminds me of the reactions to that little boy shooting his little cousin with his daddy´s rifle a few years back..he was a soulless bastard as well.
It´s chilling, really.


Well-known member
Werd. Where was mommy? AND what made him do this? This is a mentality I don't understand. What pleasure could possibly come out of killing?


Active member
Serial killer. The first two words that come to mind when I hear things like this. The child obviously has problems at home. And while I believe that parenting has a huge role here, I also think there's something wrong with him in the head to begin with. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. I shudder to think about what he could become given a few more years.