A few FOTD's - one based on a look Spencoh did <3


Well-known member
Ok so.

I saw this look spencoh did, and thought it was gorgeous, so I decided to copy =] (hope thats OK girl)


I used:

sff nc15
sf powder nc25
studio finish concealer nc20
loose blot powder
green color corrector
strada blush
fix +
clear brow finisher
charcoal brown e/s on brows

fascinating eye kohl as base
flammable paint as base
melon piggie mixed with vanilla piggie for inner corner, because it looks like deckchair pigment?
passionate e/s
accent red pigment
black tied e/s
blacktrack f/l
silverstroke f/l
vanilla pigment to highlight also
zoomlash mascara to blend lashes
3 lashes

hydrocortisone cream as base
coquettish clarice tlc as another base
high tea l/s
moonstone lipgelee

and the makeup i did for my 18th birthday:

I used:

same face stuff as above

chartru paint as base
juxt e/s as wash
club in crease and outer V
blacktrack f/l
nylon and vex to highlight
loud lash in noisy black
prep and prime lash

hydrocortisone cream
angel l/s
underage l/g
vibrational l/g

sorry about the one picture.
none of the other ones showed the makeup very well due to lighting.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm sorry, I have to ask...why do you use hydrocortisone on your lips???

i have very chapped, dry lips, and I asked my MA, and she said hydrocortisone cream - 2%.

im a pharmacy major, so i know the ingredients, and didnt think it would be safe, so i asked my OTC drug therapy professor, and he said it was perfectly safe.

only thing that works.


Well-known member
Your eyes look RADICAL....=)
Are you the same person that has the gigantic MAC collection listed here with all the pictures? Or is that someone with the same user name?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
Your eyes look RADICAL....=)
Are you the same person that has the gigantic MAC collection listed here with all the pictures? Or is that someone with the same user name?

haha no, i wish!
she is MAC_whore.
I am MAC_wh0re.


Well-known member
wow, you did a great job on the makeup!! i wanted to try this too but didn't have flammable paint & the colors didn't come out as well w/ other paints.

anyhow, as for dry chapped lips, i swear by prada lip balm (esp. the clear ones). i've even converted my bf on it... i know you've asked your professor but hydrocortisone on the lips just sounds a bit iffy to me!


Well-known member
you probably shouldn't be using hydrocortisone on your lips. it's not to be ingested, and 99% of things put on the lips...well, they get ingested.

I recommend a heavy duty lip treatment, even a nitetime cream for the lips. I like Rosebud Salve and Ole Hendrickson's stimulating lip treatment.