A good dupe for this blush?


Well-known member
So my favorite blush is something I took from my mom since she doesn't use it anymore but a lot of the stuff she has is stuff that's over 10 years old and consequently no longer made.

This was the Ultima II Creamy Powder Blush in Sahara Rose. It's a gorgeous coral with shimmer. I believe this blush was discontinued and I can't seem to a good dupe for it.

I've compared it with Nars orgasm blush but it's not the same, Nars is lighter, and the shimmer in Nars is huge in comparison.

Any recs for a good dupe? Drug Store or high end brands, doesn't matter.

As you can see I am running low now and the day it runs out I will be super sad.


Well-known member
can't think of a good dupe...but my suggestion is that you take what you have left to sephora, mac, and a department store and then you can compare side by side...good luck!