A little help with warm dark lipsticks.


Well-known member
I'm looking to buy MAC colours only atm, but I'm after warm DARK reds, purples, oranges, browns the richer the colour the better.

I will admit I don't know my foundation shade, because I have never worn any. :$ but I have a very pale white (Yellow rather than pink white) skin tone, with dark brown hair, so nothing too cold in tone please.

Can anyone reccomend me a few colours to start with?

The only certain I have pinned down is "Film Noir" I haven't seen a swatch of that but from the name I'm sold. (if anyone has a swatch...? <3 )

Thanks in advance!

Also if you have anything in a sale thread which fits, please link?


Well-known member
I just bought Spiced Tea from the W & C collection. It was exactly what I was looking for, a darker warm lipstick.


Well-known member
Coconutty and Bronze Shimmer are my fav darker warm rich browns, they aren't super dark but aren't anywhere near nude.


Well-known member
Mac's Sheer Plum! Despite its name, not plum at all, but a dark, warm, slightly reddish brown. Gorgeous colour!