A nice RAOK from UK to US


Well-known member
What would be a nice RAOK from a UK person to a US person? Struggling to think of things that US people might want that they cant get there.

Any ideas?


Active member
candy (dairy milk), boots products esp since its only being introduced in the US. exclusive UK lush stuff.


Well-known member
Cool, thats nice and easy. I'm not into Lush so will have to go and find out what the UK exclusives are.


Well-known member
LOL, havent bought those in a while. Those are some good ideas, keep them coming


Well-known member
When I was dating my now husband and travelled over to the UK frequently I always had to bring my friends back penguin bars, jelly babies and Nurofen Plus (codeine being prescription only in the States).


Well-known member
oo this is fun however i can only think of usa stuff i want hah. bt def candy oo cadburys its super expensive over there. the lush stuff is nice too all the diff soaps and that
skittles woo taste the rainbow hah erm i shall go away nd think... lol.