A purchase from a Specktra member (didnt know where to post)

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Well-known member
So recently I PM'd a member that had a sale going on. She wrote back saying that the products I wanted were still available and she sent me an invoice on paypal. I sent my payment (which was not small...$43) over to her and sent her a PM making sure she received my payment. It has been about a week and I haven't heard anything from the seller, I've sent several messages and posted in her thread that I sent her messages and haven't heard anything. I also have not received any products in the mail. I wanna know what I should do???? If shes not going to send the items I would like my money back some how.


Well-known member
check the sellers i-trader rating...its the little number in green under their avatar.

its a bit late, but this gives u an idea of their rep. If they seem to be ligit wait a few more days. It also helps to check the person's profile to see when last they logged in. Perhaps she has not been able to get back to specktra.

When all else fails, (and after you have waited abt three weeks) file an item not received claim in paypal. That should at least get her attention.


Well-known member
Remember, a week isn't very long...

I'd give it atleast 2 before you worry you have an issue on your hands. The seller doesn't control the postal system.


Well-known member
this is true, since it takes forever to mail out stuff from where I am. But I believe that you should at least communicate with your buyers. It eliminates anxiety!


Well-known member
Thank you everyone for all of your advice! I will check her feedback right now. Think I checked it before and it was good?? can't remember. I just like the buyer to let me know when they ship things because like you said, nichollecaren, it eliminates anxiety!


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