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A tutorial I did ...


Well-known member
*bangs head on table* why oh why did I get rid of my Royal Hue shadestick??? Your tute was wonderful, and the look is so gorgeous, plus you make it look so easy! Thanks so much!


Well-known member
ahh thats the worst pic without it too, its in a room with crappy lighting and later i realized the bathroom had better lighting. but thanks guys <3


New member
You are just too cute!

Great tutorial!


Well-known member
i love this tutorial and every other one you do

your very good at doing your makeup

i<3 it!



Well-known member
keep em' tutorials coming girl! i love your tutorials always as well as your looks! Thanks for this one
you look stunning as always


Well-known member
Well done.. a very nice look for you! I think, you can wear almost everything!! Thanks for tutorial!!