Aced My Demo Tonite!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Just wanted to share my experience with you gals!! It turned out extreeeeeeeeemely well! I was more excited/anxious than nervous, but my friend Hope (who was my model) said she could tell I was a lil nervous! Anyway we looked around for a bit when we got there (15 mins. earlier than my scheduled time) and they were a little slammed so we just chatted until the MAs and manager came. There were 2 other applicants there, which made me feel a little comfortable actually....

Anyway Seneca (the training MA) gathered the brushes, sanitizer, etc. for me and told me I had 30 mins. to do her whole face using whatever I wanted. He said to act like we didn't know each other and to talk through the application (duh!). She was to tell me about her skin type and what kind of look she wanted, and I was to execute it (Which I did, fabulously!). I picked my items and got to work, telling her about each product/brush as I went along.

I was feelin pretty relaxed until Seneca told me I had 8 minutes and I was just finishing her eyes! I quickly wrapped that up and did her skin prep + concealer + foundation. Then finished up with her lips, blush and some mascara. One of the other MAs came right as I was done and asked me some questions about my model's look. She gave her a mirror (there weren't any around at the time cuz they were closing everything down) and asked what she thought of it and if I achieved what she wanted. Then she asked me which products I chose and why. After that she asked what I would do for someone with a darker complexion, who wanted a natural look--but with a little color. Last, she asked if there's anything I would've done differently with Hope. I said I would've used more concealer under her eyes and a little more foundation around the chin/jawline.

I answered that and then Leslie (the manager) came up and said my application was the best out of the 3 of us!!! She told me to call tomorrow to schedule my 2nd interview! I know they usually do group, then individual, and THEN demo...but Leslie said they've been so busy she's doing demos first to see who has skills and who doesn't, THEN the oral interviews will happen. I'm posting my model's photos (and mine too) in the FOTD section! I'll update ya'll on the interview process as I go along
Wish me luck!!!


Well-known member
Thanks lovelies!!! I've been wanting to work at MAC for the past 3 years and I never had the nerve to do it until I became a member here!!!! All the advice and stuff has been soooooooooooo helpful!!


Well-known member
Congrats! I think that's kind of cool that they did the demos first, makes sense to me. You'll get it


Well-known member
OMG congrats! I agree with Bernadette ... doing the demo first is much easier. At least from the hiring manager's part, I'm sure if you nailed that you can easily nail the other interview. Just remember, smile, be eager to answer any and all question and don't stop talking about how much you love MAC! haha