Advice On Mac Interviews


Well-known member
ok so
a while bk i went for an interview for a job at mac ( i wasnt hired )
and i know why
cause of the way i answerd the questions

they asked things like

*if one day you didnt feel like coming into work what would you do?
* you dont particulary get along with sombody at work what would you do?
* u feel like your not going to reach your weekly would you try to reach them?
*tell me somthing about yourself that would shock me

and i just sat there like
cause i had no idea what to say
(bering in mind it was the first propper interview i had)

so how should i go about the interview

any advice as i would really like to apply again when i job possition comes up


Well-known member
*if one day you didnt feel like coming into work what would you do?
ummmm.. interviewers really asked you that?!! i wouldnt know what to say either!

*tell me somthing about yourself that would shock me
wtf! i dunno! what if that "something" shocking makes you not want to hire me?!! hahaha.. i wouldn't say that at an interview, but i sure would be thinking it!

i know.. im no help. sorry love!


Well-known member
well yeh tbh
i was thinking the same
i was thinking "what kind of questions are these"
and they wernt ones he had just made up off the top of his head
they wer in a MAC booklet


Well-known member
#1 answer - As I am a team player - I would never want to let my team down and be a person short so I would think about my love for MAC and how much I want to spread that passion to my customers and I would come to work with a smile on my face. I can't imagine NOT wanting to come to work here - it's been a dream of mine to be apart of the MAC family and everyday would be a chance to learn something new and interact with our great customers.

(shows you have a good work ethic, you like being a part of a team and you want to provide great customer service)

#2 answer - I've never really experienced 'not liking someone at my place of employment' I am such a happy person that I guess I don't really get involved in any drama. I like to come to work with a positive attitude and it's usually infectious. - add big grin here

#3 If I was in danger of not making my weekly target, I would ask one of the management team to shadow me to see what I was doing that may hinder my progress and what I should do to make my goal. I would also watch my fellow employees who are making their goals and try to emulate their techniques in order to better my customer service. Good customer service is always something that I strive for and I feel that once I achieve that meeting my slaes goals will fall right into place.

#4 answer - I am a TRUE MAC addict - I own soooo much MAC that I can't figure out where I am going to put all the things that I have and would love to add to my collection. I actually spend quite a bit of time online discussing MAC and looking at new collections because I am that much of an addict. I even own (insert some really old school or rare mac item that you have and how hard it was for you to find it like the Eddie Izzard lipstick, Parrot, Angry Inch Lipglass - something good from your collection cause they may actually wanna hear the story ). I am a true collector cause I love the product so much. My firends think I am crazy for my addiction but I don't collect handbags or baseball cards - this is my stamp collecting - add big grin here.

you get the idea. turn everything into a positive even if it sounds cheesy to you - you have answered the question while giving the interviewer some insight into your love for MAC.


Well-known member
question 1: i would say that if i didnt feel like going into work (which is only natural) that to put myself in a better mood...i would blast some music while im getting with my make-up!!!!

question 2: there is going to come a time when you dont particular like someone (again...its natural) i would let it go..there is no point in disliking someone and letting it affect your work...if you cant let it to them (that shows your mature enough to resolve the situation)

question 3: if i felt i wasnt making my goals...i would talk first to my co-workers (the ones that have been there the longest) and ask how they do it/ advice for me..if that doesnt work then speak to my manager (this also shows that your mature)

question 4: well thats up to you...but think of something embrassing...or maybe a random goal you had..but be honest...and no offense to calbear but i wouldnt kiss up because its apparent you already love the company..just be honest...

and relax..interviews are usually stressful..especially if its for a big company and make sure you research the impresses them that you have taken the time to get to know what they are/were about..i didnt get a job bc i didnt research the company...also show eagerness to work there..i know that might sound dumb..but i have been turned down by that factor ( i was too nervous to handle the interview properly)


Active member
You know some of the things they'll ask when you're going for entry level serve some purpose, but mostly it's all bullshit just to see how you think and what you'll come up w. i.e., the most rigorous interviewing process I have (and probably will ever) endured was for a receptionist position. Now I'm a licensed therapist and interviews last an hr tops and I never have to answer/deal with bullshit questions like 'what was the last book you read' or 'tell me about an obstacle in your last job and how you dealt with it'. Listen to calbear - she got the job! Also take the time to think about why you truly want to be there and express that to them. Google commonly asked interview question/answers and review them. Good luck.


Well-known member
I think I agree with badkittekitte, you should be able to admit that hey, sometimes it's normal to not get along with a work colleague, and then go on to say how you would handle the situation.

The response that calbear wrote is ok, I guess, but it just sounds a bit like ass kissing to me, I mean nobody is perfect. I think if you show the employer how you would go about solving work problems, it's better.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I agree. I think there are probably going to be times you don't want to go to work, like if you have a major exam the next day or something bad happens in your life.

For the thing that would shock someone- you could be cutesy, like "I've never seen the movie Titantic." I think it's more a question of your sense of humor than anything.


Well-known member
yes definitely the above, those answers are perfect. They want to make sure you are devoted to MAC and are a true M*A*C addict!