Advice on what to do with a seller who disappears...?


Well-known member
I searched posts but it's hard to find things since "Paypal" is in so many threads!

I purchased some items on here January 23, using Paypal, and haven't heard anything from the seller since I paid, and the package has not arrived. I sent PMs on Feb 7 and another last week, posted in the thread twice and finally, after still not hearing anything, sent an email on Feb 13th.

None of these messages were returned by the seller.

I honestly don't mind if someone is late mailing something, and I'm patient. But I haven't received my goods AND the seller has been incommunicado for nearly a month... so I'm really starting to worry.

I'm not angry with the seller, and I'm very conscious of the fact that something legitimate may be causing this delay/lapse in communication. Shit happens sometimes! And I really hope the seller is okay.

But it's almost been a month, so in a few days I'll have to ask Paypal recover my funds.

Any advice on next steps would be appreciated.

EDIT: There's an update later in the thread.


Well-known member
That happen to me here and I never heard back from the seller nor got my item. I had purchased from her once before without any problems but then she burned me and a few others.

Did you look at her profile to see if she's been here latley?


Well-known member
Sounds like you've done everything you could thus far. The next step is to file a claim with Paypal, and make sure to bump it up to a dispute right away. A month without your items or communication is too long.


Well-known member
Would you believe I never thought of that

It says she hasn't been here since the 28th of last month.

Edit: Macattack, I agree, it's too long. Just because I don't have any hard feelings doesn't mean I won't try to get my money back.


Well-known member
hhhmmm, well perhaps if she hasn't been on teh site for that long then maybe she has some personal stuff going on. howeverit doesn't make it right. the seller has your money and you are left empty handed. even if she wasn't on specktra she could have sent out your stuff because paypal have your details. do you have a direct email address for her (maybe it's on paypal). try sending one more email and if no reply then file a claim. as you say, stuff happens which can cause delays, but not communication at all is not excusable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
do you have a direct email address for her (maybe it's on paypal). try sending one more email and if no reply then file a claim. as you say, stuff happens which can cause delays, but not communication at all is not excusable.

I already sent one using her Paypal-provided email address on the 13th, and she hasn't replied.

I feel uncomfortable doing this simply because I don't know what her situation is, and I don't want to be a jerk. I feel there's been ample time to contact me and explain, though.

I am going to wait until Friday, just to give her a little more time. Then I'll contact Paypal and start the process

Do I send her an email BEFORE I do the Paypal thing? Sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing --- I've never had this issue with a Specktra sale before.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meisje
I already sent one using her Paypal-provided email address on the 13th, and she hasn't replied.

I feel uncomfortable doing this simply because I don't know what her situation is, and I don't want to be a jerk. I feel there's been ample time to contact me and explain, though.

I am going to wait until Friday, just to give her a little more time. Then I'll contact Paypal and start the process

Do I send her an email BEFORE I do the Paypal thing? Sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing --- I've never had this issue with a Specktra sale before.

Nope, you don't need to email her before you start the dispute. She's not emailing you back anyway. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable about getting your money back. Yes, things happen in life, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to receive your items or money back if something has come up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Nope, you don't need to email her before you start the dispute. She's not emailing you back anyway. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable about getting your money back. Yes, things happen in life, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to receive your items or money back if something has come up.

even if something did happen it takes like what less then 4 seconds to send an email explaining yourself. If you can't handle the responsibility that comes with being a seller then why do it. You said they last signed on the 28th, they could have explained themselves if something did come up. That would have been 5 days since the sale took place. Sorry about this, these are some of the reasons why i won't buy things on line unless its from like or sephora places like that.

But yeah give this person until friday then file a dispute with pay pal ..


Well-known member
make sure you don't wait too long to file your claim with paypal. I can't remember what the time frame is, but you only have so long to file a claim before it's too late. Sorry you're having to deal with this. Not cool.


Well-known member
I filed a claim when it happen to me but I didnt get my money back. I won the dispute but she had no funds available...I hope yours turns out much better

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
^^^Same thing happened to me before as well! The only way you are guaranteed to get your money back when your shipment doesn't arrive and you buy outside of EBay is to make sure you pay with a credit card and not a PP balance. Then you can have you CC company stop payment.


Well-known member
The seller never responded to anything (pms, emails, nor the Paypal dispute) so I escalated it to a claim.

Her profile shows that she has not logged into Specktra at all since January 28th. Although, again, that was after I purchased the items.

Either something terrible happened or she did it on purpose --- I'll probably never know!

Does anyone know what happens if the seller doesn't respond? Is it like fighting a ticket where you win automatically if they don't show?


Well-known member
I won!!! I got my money back, she had a balance, and it's now back in my Paypal account. Wohoo!


Well-known member
Yay so glad that it worked out, I srsly hate deadbeat sellers! It's so frustrating, just all the work it takes to get your $$ back is totally a PITA. But I am glad it did get returned.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meisje
I won!!! I got my money back, she had a balance, and it's now back in my Paypal account. Wohoo!

That's great!! I'm happy you got your money back


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
thats great news!!
Did she ever respond to you?

Nope! She never responded to me, or acknowledged anything during the Paypal dispute.

I checked the thread after I had paid and there were people offering to pay for what I had already bought. I hope nobody else got snookered.


Well-known member
I think in Japan, one auction site has this system where the website HOLDS the money the buyer pays once payment is authorized and doesn't deposit it in the seller's account until after the seller varifies that they've received the item. Of course this system isn't perfect (in the event you have a sleezy seller, so you get a tracking number and maybe insurance if the items were expensive), but it's a little more balanced. That way the seller knows you have money to give and you can make sure you get your stuff before they take the money from you for good.

I've never had a problem with being on the seller side, but I've had a problem as a buyer sometimes. One seller would often use my "lack of specific instructions" as leverage and excuse for spending 4 bucks to ship a 7 lb item when I gave them 15 for shipping, then it getting lost. Brilliant. I guess it all depends on how honest the seller and buyer are, really.