All About Eyebrows


Well-known member
i have no idea where else to ask about this.. so i make a new thread..

so i'm a brow virgin... i have never had myy brows done.. i sometimes pluck them but never really pay attention to the shape and the like...

i was told that it's better to start with letting a pro to do myy brows.. if it's true, can anyone rec me a good one??

i heard MAC has one, has anyone tried it??

and if i want to get myy brows done, should i let it grow (no plucking whatsoever) for a couple of weeks beforehand??



Well-known member
I personally get mine threaded and I love the results. I have never heard of MAC doing eyebrows but I could be wrong. I would recommend finding someone professional and with a good reputation to go to. Be careful going someone who is going to go wax happy.


Well-known member
Elizabeth Arden or Estee have a Brow Bar don't they. Oh and i think Benefit too!


Well-known member
I just go to anyone. lol, i really need to go again cause mine are getting out of hand, but yeah, i just make sure i tell them exactly what i want and how i want them. I havent had a bad experience yet (thank godness!)


Well-known member
I know SOME MAC's do it (i think its like only two or three in the country), correct me if im wrong but I think its DJ's in the city in Sydney, not sure where it is in melbourne. I know theres a thread about it on the vogue forums.

I would NOT recommend letting just anyone do your brows. Get girls in melbourne to reccomend someone good. I have had two really bad experiences letting just anyone do my brows, once was local and the other was on holiday in Jervis Bay. Terrible. I looked like a witch.


Well-known member
^^ I agree. Go somewhere tried and trusted, and make sure you look at their eyebrows too! I believe that with hairdressers and beauticians, if they look good, they generally know what they are doing.
I had mine threaded before a cousins wedding and loved the results. Then when the makeup artist was doing my make up I asked her to clean up the regrowth....yeaaaaaah... she SHAVED OFF MY EYEBROWS!!

Its fine now though cos they grew back but now only I touch them


Well-known member
thanks for all the rec guys..

i heard some raves for the benefit brow bar... but apparently, they are yet to be available here in melbourne... >.<
gorgeous cosmetics sounds great..


Well-known member
I am so OCD about my brows.... I draw them the way I want them and make sure my girl does not pluck/wax outside or inside the line I have drawn...I look crazy when I go in....because I draw them dark so there are no mistakes as to the shape I want to leave out with .


Well-known member
Hahaha- i used to do something similar with my client. When i had a new brow client who i hadnt done before or if we were still trying to get the shape right id draw their brown with white pencil so they could see the shape the line would take.

Then id just whip it all off


Well-known member
Originally Posted by billy_cakes
Hahaha- i used to do something similar with my client. When i had a new brow client who i hadnt done before or if we were still trying to get the shape right id draw their brown with white pencil so they could see the shape the line would take.

Then id just whip it all off

Never thought about a white line...good idea!!


Well-known member
i had a really bad experiance at essential beauty the girl burnt me!!! it took weeks to heal. I have to go every 2 weeks i have agro brows it took me a while to find someone who did a shape i really liked but for those in adelaide i go to rubesque beauty spa and see rubi the owner she is AMAZING and her place is fantastic shes in the western suburbs its like walking into a $1000 dollar luxery spa and she has never ever stuffed my brows up!!!


Well-known member
Tana- 98% of the bad stories i had people telling me when they worked through my door were from essential beauty. So many girls got burnt and were left with scars on their eyelids. Its scary to think that people can do that


Well-known member
^^^ yeh the girls there were so unproffesional and while i was waiting one day i heard the girls talking to eachother one was a "trainee" next thing u no a lady has walked in for a XXX and they let he trainee do it on her own without asking the lady if it was okay!!! There is no way id want a trainee who from i could gather wasnt very confident waxing anywhere near there!!! i def would never ever go there again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tana2210
^^^ yeh the girls there were so unproffesional and while i was waiting one day i heard the girls talking to eachother one was a "trainee" next thing u no a lady has walked in for a XXX and they let he trainee do it on her own without asking the lady if it was okay!!! There is no way id want a trainee who from i could gather wasnt very confident waxing anywhere near there!!! i def would never ever go there again.

oh my god, i did training in XXX but refused to do it because as a hairdresser i think people should go to a professional to have that done. People popping in for basic waxing is fine but XXX is so risky!


Well-known member
I guess it may depend on what part of Melbourne you're in. There's probably some local places that are rather good. Or you can always go with a known 'chain.' I always go Ella Bache. Initially I started going there as it's walking distance to my work, but I've gotten to know the staff and feel very comfortable. My Mum goes to her local Hairhouse Warehouse. Some of the Myer stores have beauty parlours - Chadstone and the city store and they do waxing. My final suggestion is ask the girls at your work/school/gym - chances are they can recommend something close to you.


Well-known member
thanks there... ^^

a voguette (member of vogue forums) just rec'd me a good place.. apparently it's in coburg but she said it's so worth it.. it's only $20 for the first visit and $15 after that. her name is michaela.. a few other voguettes have tried it and they're happy with the results.

i'll just need to grow myy brows and let it untouched for at least 2 weeks.. urgh!! it's disgusting... i have to find ardell lash&brow growth accelerator soon to reduce the pain ( of not plucking myy brows )


Well-known member
i go to ella bache as well! so far i've been to the place 5 times, and each time i get a different person - hence i get diff looking brows? meh. can't be bothered going for a while, i need to grow them out as the last time i went the girl half butchered my eyebrows and i had almost none to being with!


Well-known member
I used to get my eyebrows waxed by the beautician at my hairdresser but she left and they decided to shut down that aspect of the business - so I've been attempting to take care of myself.

I'm a socially awkward/phobic at times and weird about new people and people in my personal space, so it's kinda difficult for me now trying to find someone I feel I can trust
.. frustrating!


Well-known member
I do my brows myself.. I like my natural shape so I just clean up around it and sometimes make them a little thinner if I'm getting bored with how they look. I find lots of make up related stuff really difficult, but this part of grooming is certainly the easiest lol!