All About Eyebrows


Well-known member
I have had my brows twice at different salons and both times my skin peeled off and didn't return to normal for weeks. So, it's tweezers for me. I have a book called "Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery" by Eve Pearl with a great section on eyebrows and now, for the first time in my life, I am pretty happy with my brows.


Well-known member
BTW it's a myth that you can't pluck from above the brow. Try it if you haven't already. it will really neaten up your brows. It grows back, trust me. (Kind wish it didn't though!)

Also, don't worry if your brows aren't symmetrical. Mine aren't, and I like it that way. One of my brows has a higher arch and I think it adds a bit of character. Little quirks are natural and fun


Well-known member
Originally Posted by metal_romantic
BTW it's a myth that you can't pluck from above the brow. Try it if you haven't already. it will really neaten up your brows. It grows back, trust me. (Kind wish it didn't though!)

Also, don't worry if your brows aren't symmetrical. Mine aren't, and I like it that way. One of my brows has a higher arch and I think it adds a bit of character. Little quirks are natural and fun

There's another eyebrow thread here somwhere- I didn't know what "threading" was but now I do and I'm going to give it a try.

I pluck my own.

Never waxed - I don't have patience to grow the hairs out.

And I do go over above the brow in some parts to neaten up - I can also vouch that it does grow back!


Well-known member
My old eyebrow waxer never told me that if you pluck/wax above your brows it won't grow back! On the contrary, she told me not to do it because it will make them grow even more! (I do do it though, and now that I've started I have to keep doing it hehe)


Well-known member
i get the top of my brows done, but i wouldnt attempt it myself. it really does neaten up my whole look on a similar note anyone here lghtened their brows? my beautician can do it (i have dark dark brows but blonde blonde hair thanks to the bottle) but i worry about regrowth my roots are bad enuff to maintain no matter my brows!!!


Well-known member
All I want for Christmas is new set of eyebrows. Perhaps if I visit Advance Hair, they might help my eyebrows go bushy and thick
Yeah, yeah.


Well-known member
Does anyone have any recommendations for a place in Sydney? MAC DJs in Sydney City certainly does do it, but I've never seen anyone get it done there and I'm not sure how good it is.

Never had them done in Australia before- My aunt (who teaches at a beauty college) first did mine, but she's overseas lol. Since then, I've always just neatened up myself, since I figured that if I mess up, I have no one to blame but myself! On the other hand, it takes time and every few weeks, I look at my face and go O_O