Another reason why kids are funny...


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My coworker was telling me a story about her son one day who is 5 yrs old....
He walked in on her while she was doing her makeup, and asked, "Mommy, why you puttin' all that makeup on your face for? Are you tryin' to look pretty??"


I love kids...they DO say the funniest things!

I also have another makeup + children story.

One day I decided to wear a little bit of gold glitter eyeliner to work. Funny enough, one of my kids (4 yrs old) noticed I had glitter eyeliner on and kept approaching me about it - she's the only child that EVER notices if a teacher changed their hairstyle/colour, makeup, etc. Mommy owns a nail salon, so she's a little fashionista. So this is the conversation we had....

Kid - Jenny, why do you have sparklies on your eye?
Me - Oh, you noticed?

Kid - Ya, it's so pretty.
Me - Aw thanks _____. You're so sweet.

*1 hr passes*

Kid - Jenny, I love the sparklies. It's so pretty.
Me -
Thanks _____. You like it?

Kid - Yea, I love it.
Me - Hehe. Does mommy let you wear sparklies on your eye?
Kid - Nooooo
Mommy won't let me.
Me - Maybe when you are a big girl you can.
Kid - *laughs*

*another hour passes*

Kid - You're so pretty Jenny.
Me - *
x10000* *giggles* You are being TOO sweet _____. Are you trying to love me up or something??
Kid -
Yea, everyday...


Does any one else have funny children stories?? They crack me up!


Well-known member
One of my classes was a child development class, and the teacher was talking about the importance of being careful what you do/say around children because they will mimic you. A girl in the class raised her hand, and commented about how true that is. She said she worked at a school and a little girl was playing around, and pretended she was shaving. She shaved her arms, her legs,....and her lady bits!!!


Well-known member
LOLOL she must have seen mommy do it at home! haha

Since we're on the topic of mimicking, here's another story.

This just happened today. One child (I shall call him Sam - 2.5 yrs old) was particularly silly today so I had to keep talking to him. Every time I talked to him, he'd try to change the subject by looking at me with a smile and say "I love you Jenny". See how he tries to work his charm? Because he knows I love him he thinks he'll get away with it if he tells me he loves me.

So the kids were sitting on the mat reading when he got a little too rough with another child. LOL She got mad and Sam realized it. He turns to her and tells her, "I'm sorry...*kisses her on the cheek and puts his arm around her shoulder*" --

They start to sway side to side like best buddies, when all of a sudden they start hugging and kissing each other's cheeks!!! LOL me and my coworker were just watching b/c it was SO funny!! Then they start to lay down on the mat, still hugging!!! I'm just like OMG I need to step in. I tell them to sit up, and they do. Sam decides to go for another hug! Then the girl hugs him back and says, "Ok, enough for you!"

!!!!!!!! He must learn all the kissing from home! lol

Another story:

When I was getting my ECE, my teacher was telling me stories about her experiences. One day a child was running inside the classroom, and so she told him to walk. The child replied loudly...."I AM my RUNNING shoes!!!!!!"

omg kill me!! LOL my teacher said she was speechless and cracking up inside.


Well-known member
lol thats all so funny. One of my bf's neices went up to me and said "your eyes look pretty because they're like this!" then she stretched her eyes back (because Im asian) and I was like "lol". I didnt know if I should have felt offended but it was funny at the same time.


Well-known member
LOL @ Pink_minx's story! It's so funny when kids are being so honest that they don't know they're being rude

I once asked one of my kids how much he missed me. He said: "30 minutes". I hadn't seen him in 3 months.


Well-known member
I love love love kids they crack me up. I am currently a nanny for two boys and just the other day they were talking about how they were going to bring all their legos to their dorm and hold lego parties. Haha oh how they will look back and laugh at that thought!

They also think that whenever it is cloudy, its an alien spaceship cover and the aliens just lifted our town off of Earth.


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The Easter Bunny

When my 9 y.o. was in preschool, I was at the store looking at Easter goodies to make goody bags for his class. There were other adults in the aisle. My son said out loud "Mom, I know who the Easter Bunny is!" I asked him who. He said "He's a costumed man!" Everyone was laughing and told me what a smart boy he was!


Well-known member
lol some of those had me cracking up so much!

My little brother is 13 now...but when he was younger and his mom was pregnant with our little brother, he wanted to know where babies came from. He was 5 at the time so his mom calmly explained that boys have penises and girls have vaginas. She also explained that it will come OUT of her vagina. He didn't seem fazed or confused at all by that and went on his way.

A few weeks later he was with his younger male cousin and they somehow got into a "who's family is better" contest (the cousin has 3 sisters) and my brother only had me as a much older step-sister.

He yelled out in the middle of the fight..."Yeah well....My mommy's going to have a baby and its going to COME OUT OF HER CHINESE!"


He somehow mixed up vagina with chinese.


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Another fiance's little cousin told me I had "a lot of freckles".

FML....they were actually PIMPLES!

LOL oh man.


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One day a child was trying to get my attention. He reached up and ended up tapping my boob!
I don't know what he wanted my attention for, but you could SO see it in his eyes that his train of thought had changed! He then said, "Jenny, you have a big belly!"

Kids and I were out in the playground. I called out to one kid (3 y.o) and asked for a hug! So I squat down for the hug, but then the child started to sit on my legs! I started to lose my balance and asked the kid, "Do you think I'm a chair?" She replies, "No, a bench."


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My little half-sister is a smart ass. When she was about four I overheard this conversation.

Dad: Hey, Paige, can you turn off the light please?
Paige: I didn't turn it on
Dad: I know, I did. But can you please turn it off?
Paige: Well I think whoever turned it on should be the one that has to turn it off. It's only fair.


Well-known member
my cousin's little girl eloise is coming up for 6 now, but when she was younger she was the funniest wee thing.

once my aunt [her gran] caught standing in my gran's [her great-gran's] sitting room with a strip of wallpaper in her hand, beside a wall that had a matching patch of paper missing. when my aunt asked her "eloise, did you do that?", knowing full well that she did, eloise answered back with "no." my aunt then asked her "well, if you didn't do it, who did?" she replied with the straightest face "the dinosaurs". which had the rest of us in the room cracking up!

on a sadder note, her mum has bad asthma which sometimes requires hospital treatment. on one of these occasions she was taken away by ambulance, and eloise was crying and shouting "don't let them take my mummy!". my aunt asked her why she was crying, because the ambulance was taking mummy away to make her better. eloise then told her that a kid in her nursery class had told her that when you get taken away in an ambulance they peel your skin off and that was why she was crying and screaming. who tells a child that?!

her latest thing is asking everyone in the family to take her to Jenners [famous department store in edinburgh] for hot chocolate because "it's juuuuust to. DIE. for" - she's a wee drama queen!