Any advice for study abroad in Europe?


Well-known member
Hey...I'm pretty new here, but I have been lurking for a looong time. I'm so addicted to makeup so I love reading posts here.

I just thought I'd do a post to see if there is anyone who has been in my situation before? I'm an American who's moving to Switzerland in about five weeks. I'll be studying abroad at a university in Lausanne. My French is decent but I'm taking an intensive class when I get I am nervous about the language barrier but also just moving in general. I'm an independent person but I guess I'm just scared about being so far away. Any advice??

Oh, and if anyone has ever moved far away, how in the world did you decide what to bring?? I'll be gone for 10 months.



Well-known member
That is an absolutely amazing opportunity, and you are so lucky! I wish I had done something like that when I was younger. I actually planned to, but then I backed out of it once the time got closer. I think I was just too naive and sheltered to be able to handle it. But, right after high school I did tour with a group all over Europe for a month. It was fantastic. Traveling to another continent really opens up your mind. I am a little bit jealous of you, I must admit. You are going to have the time of your life. Be sure to keep a journal so you can remember the good times in your old age!


Well-known member
Thanks! Yes, I plan on keeping a journal for sure! I am an English major so I write alot anyway. I have lots of notebooks...too many, probably.

Once, I'm settled over there, maybe I'll post a link to my Livejournal if anyone here would like to see what I'm up to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rockell
Thanks! Yes, I plan on keeping a journal for sure! I am an English major so I write alot anyway. I have lots of notebooks...too many, probably.

Once, I'm settled over there, maybe I'll post a link to my Livejournal if anyone here would like to see what I'm up to.

Yes, please do so we can live vicariously!


Well-known member
just be yourself and have lots of fun! studying doesnt have to be boring! once you get to know people you'll feel more at ease. im moving out for uni not too far but around an hour away from home but i have intentions of travelling the world and stop being wrapped in cotton wool by mummy so its a great chance to get used to being away from home and mixing with new people!!