Any Bartenders in here???


Well-known member
i wanna know if you like it and how did you become one?
did you just walk in or did you go to bartending school.
i'm asking because sometimes a part time is necessary for me and it seems like a cool thing to do
so let me know!!


Well-known member
Just like everything it has ups and downs.....I worked at a bar when I was in college, it was lots of fun, I met some cool people, the tips were great, but I missed a lot of stuff because I was working fri and sat nites...also it messed with my sleep cycle for the rest of the week....the job itself, a female bartender put me in a position to deal with creeps every night, had one scary stalker in particular that broke into my house. in my state you need so many hours of a class, then have to pass a test to get a liquor license. not sure about other states. I was hired first, then the bar paid for me to get my license and to go take the test, so that was cool, but every bar is probably different! I would look up the regulations for serving liquor in your state.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Skin*Deep
had one scary stalker in particular that broke into my house.

omg!! that freaks me out...... sorry to hear that
i will definitely check that out tho as far as the liqour license


Well-known member
For me it was easy I knew them and just started working there. I did not need something like a liquor license.
And I second what skin*deep said. Sometimes the job is supercool and sometimes you hate it. And do not forget after everyone gets to go home, you need to clean up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bis
And do not forget after everyone gets to go home, you need to clean up

I KNOW!! that sux and thats the main thing i always think of too
i work part time at starbux (3yrs) and that is the worst. it's enough cleaning up after everyone as far as cups and napkins but for some reason, the one i work in, none of the men know how to pee into the toilet, only on the floor and there is an epidemic of women and children sh*tting on the toilet and floors.........
i assume you've had your fair share of cleaning up vomit......