any idea what a demo interview is like?


Well-known member
hey guys...especially MAC MUA's... I have a demo interview next week... so excited yet soooo nervous about it... I really have no idea what a demo interview is like... I just have two questions... one: what kind of do they usually want you to do or demonstrate? 2nd: do they grade you or do they tell you right away if you got the job?:confused::confused::confused::confused:


Well-known member
The first sticky at the top gives details of a demo.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by verdge
hey guys...especially MAC MUA's... I have a demo interview next week... so excited yet soooo nervous about it... I really have no idea what a demo interview is like... I just have two questions... one: what kind of do they usually want you to do or demonstrate? 2nd: do they grade you or do they tell you right away if you got the job?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Usually, the demo can be do a day look and turn it into night using 3 products. Or they'll say, your model is a girl going to prom, and her dress is like green or something, what would you use on her. Those are just examples. I've heard of them also having people copy a look from a magazine on their model. It depends.

And they usually don't tell you right then and there if you pass or not. Which sucks.


Well-known member
There's a sticky right in this forum that gives details regarding one person's DEMO interview with MAC.

To sum things up, you will be asked to create a look--given to you by the MAC trainer--on the model you brought with you. They generally give you 30-45 minutes to do a complete face of makeup. The trainer might then ask what you would've done differently and then offer some critiques and criticism regarding your makeup application. That's it. They do not tell you if you've received the job with MAC or not right then and there. If you make it past the DEMO, there is another oral interview the regional manager and then after that final interview (may not be final for some individuals) they should let you know within a few days or even weeks if you are being offered a position with them.


Well-known member
That link Niki posted was what I did...not using the same colors, but I talked my model through all the products, why I was using them, etc. They liked my day demo so much they didn't have me turn it into the night look. I was then called back for another interview...but this was Nordstrom, so it probably works a bit differently
Good luck and Congratulations!!


Well-known member
I want to someday work for MAC and this sounds so intimidating! I'd be so nervous. But I haven't yet gone to beauty school. :p I'm sure you'll do great and good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShexyKristin
I want to someday work for MAC and this sounds so intimidating! I'd be so nervous. But I haven't yet gone to beauty school. :p I'm sure you'll do great and good luck!

Don't be afraid. Just go for it.



I just had a demo interview on Friday. I hope I'm not too late, but I thought I would post after I actually went through with it, so I can let everyone know exactly how it went.

I had to do the application on one of the girls who worked for MAC, she showed me a picture from a magazine - it was a bold, hot pink eye with smudged black liner, and really neutral cheeks and lips.

They stressed that they focus a lot more on your explanation to the customer than your actual application skill, because you can always be trained later on.

So anyway, I guess to make things interesting, they let me apply the makeup to an asian girl, and it made things a bit fun since in the photograph the eye makeup was winged out, and her eye shape really suited that nicely.

(Oh, before I start, I should mention they're really big on sanitizing everything before you use it - they'll explain that to you in good detail, and they'll provide you with hand sanitizer, alcohol, tissues, lip wands/brushes, spatulas and mascara wands.) And also, pulling together makeup colours for her skintone and shades to match the look in the magazine counted for my 30 minutes that I was given for the application.. so make sure you remember that!

So I started by applying some Lightful Daily Moisturizer with a sponge, I explained I wanted to use something light for everyday.

Then, I found that NC 35 was her perfect match. I applied SELECT SPF Foundation with a fresh sponge, and told her that I would normally stipple the foundation on lightly for more coverage, but this foundation covers beautifully so I swept it on for a little more sheer coverage. She also didn't have any flaws or noticiable creases or darkness under her eyes, so concealer was a no-go.

I started with her eyes, her brows were nicely shaped and flattering to her face, so I didn't need to touch those up at all. I started applying PASSIONATE with a flat defining brush and I explained that I did this because these brushes tend to put shadows on as potent as can be, I also applied this shade with a patting motion to get that really vibrant effect.

I think I forgot to mention, there was a bit of purple blended into this hot pink look, so I used a blending brush and applied SWISH to the crease. I explained that I was applying this shade in a sweeping motion, back and forth - just mimicking a windshield wiper.

With a small blending brush, I dusted a bit of PINK VENUS to the inner corners of her eyes for depth - just like in the photograph. And WHITE FROST in the very very inner corner / tear duct area. (The picture had such a range of shades working for the eyes)

The lined eye had a very smudged effect to it, so I used CARBON - a matted black eye shadow that I thought fit perfectly for this look. I explained that I applied this shade with an angled brush, rather than using an actual liner pencil or roll-up, because the girl in the photograph's liner was not defined at all, it had a really soft/smudgey look to it.

Then, I applied some black PRO LASH with disposable mascara wands- make sure you use a new one each time and don't double dip! I asked her to look up, and close her eye slowly so that her lashes grazed the wand .. that way, I wouldn't have to hold her head steady with my hands and I wouldn't poke her in the eye and irritate her.

The cheeks in the photograph were really simple, so I used GINGERLY.. a powder blush that tends to come on a little bit more sheer. I explained that I used a blush brush to apply it to the apples of the cheek, and dusted it gently up to the cheekbones.

The magazine photograph said that you could use a neutral gloss or lipstick to achieve this look, but since she asked me for that look, I decided to use a lipstick and make her lips matte just like the picture. I forget which shade I used, I believe it may have been FRECKLETONE - but anyway, it was a very neutral lip colour that I applied to her face.

I thought I explained the application in well detail, I kind of used Carmindy from What Not to Wear and Damone from 10 Years Younger as inspirations for the explanation part (both from TLC). I also borrowed some ideas from Kevin Aucoin.

But overall, they rated my explanation a 6 and a half out of 10, I was pretttty disappointed in myself. I love MAC and I felt like I messed up, so I was pretty bummed after the interview.

I'm supposed to hear back from them tomorrow, although I'm not actually expecting to get the job - it was quite the experience. I am definitely willing to go through it a few more times to get where I want to be, because it would mean a whoollle lot.

Anyway, I really hope that helped! And I really hope you let me know how everything went and just tell me about your experience in general.

- Zeena


Well-known member
Hey Congrats - did you hear back from them yet? Which location did u have your interview for?

Originally Posted by zeena

I just had a demo interview on Friday. I hope I'm not too late, but I thought I would post after I actually went through with it, so I can let everyone know exactly how it went.

I had to do the application on one of the girls who worked for MAC, she showed me a picture from a magazine - it was a bold, hot pink eye with smudged black liner, and really neutral cheeks and lips.

They stressed that they focus a lot more on your explanation to the customer than your actual application skill, because you can always be trained later on.

So anyway, I guess to make things interesting, they let me apply the makeup to an asian girl, and it made things a bit fun since in the photograph the eye makeup was winged out, and her eye shape really suited that nicely.

(Oh, before I start, I should mention they're really big on sanitizing everything before you use it - they'll explain that to you in good detail, and they'll provide you with hand sanitizer, alcohol, tissues, lip wands/brushes, spatulas and mascara wands.) And also, pulling together makeup colours for her skintone and shades to match the look in the magazine counted for my 30 minutes that I was given for the application.. so make sure you remember that!

So I started by applying some Lightful Daily Moisturizer with a sponge, I explained I wanted to use something light for everyday.

Then, I found that NC 35 was her perfect match. I applied SELECT SPF Foundation with a fresh sponge, and told her that I would normally stipple the foundation on lightly for more coverage, but this foundation covers beautifully so I swept it on for a little more sheer coverage. She also didn't have any flaws or noticiable creases or darkness under her eyes, so concealer was a no-go.

I started with her eyes, her brows were nicely shaped and flattering to her face, so I didn't need to touch those up at all. I started applying PASSIONATE with a flat defining brush and I explained that I did this because these brushes tend to put shadows on as potent as can be, I also applied this shade with a patting motion to get that really vibrant effect.

I think I forgot to mention, there was a bit of purple blended into this hot pink look, so I used a blending brush and applied SWISH to the crease. I explained that I was applying this shade in a sweeping motion, back and forth - just mimicking a windshield wiper.

With a small blending brush, I dusted a bit of PINK VENUS to the inner corners of her eyes for depth - just like in the photograph. And WHITE FROST in the very very inner corner / tear duct area. (The picture had such a range of shades working for the eyes)

The lined eye had a very smudged effect to it, so I used CARBON - a matted black eye shadow that I thought fit perfectly for this look. I explained that I applied this shade with an angled brush, rather than using an actual liner pencil or roll-up, because the girl in the photograph's liner was not defined at all, it had a really soft/smudgey look to it.

Then, I applied some black PRO LASH with disposable mascara wands- make sure you use a new one each time and don't double dip! I asked her to look up, and close her eye slowly so that her lashes grazed the wand .. that way, I wouldn't have to hold her head steady with my hands and I wouldn't poke her in the eye and irritate her.

The cheeks in the photograph were really simple, so I used GINGERLY.. a powder blush that tends to come on a little bit more sheer. I explained that I used a blush brush to apply it to the apples of the cheek, and dusted it gently up to the cheekbones.

The magazine photograph said that you could use a neutral gloss or lipstick to achieve this look, but since she asked me for that look, I decided to use a lipstick and make her lips matte just like the picture. I forget which shade I used, I believe it may have been FRECKLETONE - but anyway, it was a very neutral lip colour that I applied to her face.

I thought I explained the application in well detail, I kind of used Carmindy from What Not to Wear and Damone from 10 Years Younger as inspirations for the explanation part (both from TLC). I also borrowed some ideas from Kevin Aucoin.

But overall, they rated my explanation a 6 and a half out of 10, I was pretttty disappointed in myself. I love MAC and I felt like I messed up, so I was pretty bummed after the interview.

I'm supposed to hear back from them tomorrow, although I'm not actually expecting to get the job - it was quite the experience. I am definitely willing to go through it a few more times to get where I want to be, because it would mean a whoollle lot.

Anyway, I really hope that helped! And I really hope you let me know how everything went and just tell me about your experience in general.

- Zeena



Hey, awww thank you! I was soo excited..

I applied for the location in St. Catharines, where I'm going to school..
So it's the Bay in the Pen Centre.

My dream MAC job would be back home at Square One in Mississauga, heh!

I haven't heard back yet, I was supposed to hear back from them today.. and they call you whether you get the job or not, so they don't leave you hanging. But last time (after the verbal interview) she said she would call me back on a Monday, and she didn't, so I called them and she asked me to come in for a demo interview. Soo .. I'm not too sure if I should call sometime this week or just wait it out.

Heheh I think I'll probably have to go through this interview process a couple more times before I actually get a job at MAC..

I know the ladies at the Square One location pretty well, and they said usually people have to go through it a few times before they get the job, I've also been reading a lot of posts about that too.

I actually just joined this site a few days ago and it's pretty addictive already.. I love it!!

Good luck!! <33