any lawyers out there? bar exam miseryyyyyyyy!


Well-known member
ok so you don't have to be a lawyer to read my sad story... but i'm taking the bar exam in july and i'm freakin' out!!! these bar review people make it sound like apocalypse. how bad is it really?? words of wisdom for this young greenhorn??

also random Q. is it worth saving all my law school text books? it's novel and all but i'm moving across the country and need to cut some dead weight. law books might be as dead as weight can get.

TIA for your wise counsel...


Well-known member
Congratulations on making it through law school! What state are you taking the bar for? A state Supreme Court justice gave me the best advice for the bar exam: If you get a question and you have no idea what the answer is, identify the issue, discuss both rational sides of the argument, and then state what you think would be fair. We had a question on proxy voting (WTH?) and i had to resort this tactic. Also, beware of the PMBR people. They told us not to worry about the state essay portion, and that all your points were from just spotting the issue. Well, the bar format identified the issues as A,B, C and then told us to discuss. No points for issue spotting. Most people I know that failed, failed the state portion. Anyway, good luck!


Well-known member
I teach HS - and teacher certification exams are plain annoying four hours long but certainly not anything I've ever stressed majorly over but they are expensive and the thought of failing then paying out to take it again makes it stressful. Good Luck on your bar exam! I've thought about law school off and on... but somehow... that excessive holiday time that teachers get keeps changing my mind on career changes come around May.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
I teach HS - and teacher certification exams are plain annoying four hours long but certainly not anything I've ever stressed majorly over but they are expensive and the thought of failing then paying out to take it again makes it stressful. Good Luck on your bar exam! I've thought about law school off and on... but somehow... that excessive holiday time that teachers get keeps changing my mind on career changes come around May.

hahahahaha! the vacation is a MAJOR benefit! maybe i'm just super jaded right now coming out of the last gauntlet of finals (and maybe because it included fed tax, the bane of my existence) but i am just glad to be DONE with the law school thing... thanks for the encouragement!!