Any one going to the NYC Pro store tomorrow?


Well-known member
To check out the Ornamentalism and Holiday palettes that I think are coming out 1 week early at the Pro store tomorrow?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I am!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kristabella
if they're out tomorrow someone please come back & post pics & swatches!

You gotta know that I am going to jump all over that

I will post pics and comparisons as requested... haha.


Well-known member
I will call tomorrow morning to make sure they have them to sell, not just for stock. Maybe I will see you ladies there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DopeSickGirl
You gotta know that I am going to jump all over that

I will post pics and comparisons as requested... haha.

*twiddles thumbs.....*

*waits with baited breath*

*reminds self of the time difference between Aus & NYC*


Well-known member
I actually called the NYC Pro store this morning. They said they DID have the Ornamentalism collection, but they did not put it out yet, so I should try to come in this afternoon or tomorrow. They said they DID NOT have the Holiday palettes yet.


Well-known member

i'm hoping to skip Ornamentalism altogether. but i bet DopeSickGirl is gonna come back with some rockin' swatches & pics.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Ornamentalism not in Pro Store today.

I just spoke to someone in the NY Pro store & was told that they did get the Holiday sets but not the Ornamentalsim collection. The weather in NY today is dreadful, I'll probably wait till next week.


Well-known member
Just got back from NYC Pro.... small sigh

So, I get to the pro store at approximately 11:30 and I ask one of the MAs to show me the new collection. She walks me over to Idol Eyes. Um... uh oh.

I asked her about Ornamentalism and she tells me that whomever was supposed to put it out last night, failed to do so. My heart sank, I just walked from 34th street to the R station and then from the Broadway R Station up fifth avenue to 23rd in the pouring rain. Luckily, Bruce, the manager of the store was there and when he heard that I had taken the train in, he called me into the back and told me that if I would help him open up the boxes, I could just grab what I wanted. I was so thrilled and appreciative because he was super compassionate about the whole thing and a total pleasure to deal with.

Here is where the small sigh comes in. He could not find any of the actual makeup! He found all of the pallettes, brush kits and the Viva Glam Pallette but nada on the other stuff I wanted. He actually called corporate to see if it was delivered and it wasnt so he asked me to write down my address and phone number and when the goods come in tomorrow, he will ship out my list to me with the shipping free of charge.

Although I was disappointed not to see Blue Absinthe in person, I was so impressed byu the customer service that I received that I am going to write MAC a glowing letter tomorrow and I just placed an order to have flowers sent to Bruce tomorrow

I am gonna pic the things that I did get and post them here in a short while. (((hugs)))

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Bruce is gonna love you! I met him once briefly and he is really nice. I'm dieing to see what you do with the colors, , hurry and post some pics.I wish I had seen this message 10 minutes ago, I had just gotten off the phone with them.


Well-known member
OMG that is awesome of them! My MA let me open up shadows and stuff from Idol Eyes and be the first to make them into testers. I felt like I was in the way, but I think she kind of appreciated the help. She's not just an MA, but a MAC addict herself! Can't wait wait wait for the pics!


Well-known member
The NYC Pro store DOES have the palettes!! I went and bought (no pics sorry)...

Yeah whoever told me on the phone they didn't get in the palettes just didn't know what they were talking about. I went anyway because I had other stuff I wanted to get. The palettes are not that small, they are a good size- larger than I thought. I got the eye shadow palette with a Bluer Blue and it is beautiful. I also got all three lip palettes. I wish I had a camera to show you how pretty these are.


Well-known member
I went this afternoon at around 4 pm. They did have all the palettes, but not Ornamentalism. When I arrived, they were opening all the boxes that the palettes had arrived in. I was able to buy some Definately go tomorrow if possible.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Hi DopeSickGirl!
Your opinion please, do you think that the blue e/s in the Teal Holiday palette looks like Parrot?