anyone else hate mac eyeliner and mascaras?


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Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Just out of curiosity because I've always wanted to try it out, but does anyone know if the lash primer has any waterproof properties to it? I've been dying to try it but if it's not waterproof I'll just pass on it.

I have the prep+prime, I like it but no, it has no waterproofing properties to it. None that I can tell anyways.

I love the kohl eyeliners. HATE liquidlast eyeliners, the flimsy applicator gets all over my lashes and ruins my look. My bff loves them though, so it's personal preference I guess.

I have only tried Plushlash, but it was awful. Clumpy and the formula actually stung my eyes. I have never had this problem before with any other mascara. I doubt I'll buy a MAC mascara again. No one I know seems to love MAC mascaras.


Well-known member
omg...this is a great thread...i don't like mac's eye liners or mascaras...well i've never really used any eye liner besides black...but the only eye liner i use is cover girl's perfect point plus in black onyx and i use any of maybelline's mascaras (my eyes get infections really easily if i don't throw out my mascara every 3 months and i damn sure ain't about to pay over $10 for a new mascara every 3 months...(hey...i'm a college student) and plus i'd rather invest on new shadows


Well-known member
LOL. and I thought I'm the only weirdo out there that doesn't like MAC's eyeliners and mascara.

I use Clinique's lash power mascara and UD's 24/7 liner

MAC really need to come out with some better mascara.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by moopoint
I have the prep+prime, I like it but no, it has no waterproofing properties to it. None that I can tell anyways.

I love the kohl eyeliners. HATE liquidlast eyeliners, the flimsy applicator gets all over my lashes and ruins my look. My bff loves them though, so it's personal preference I guess.

I have only tried Plushlash, but it was awful. Clumpy and the formula actually stung my eyes. I have never had this problem before with any other mascara. I doubt I'll buy a MAC mascara again. No one I know seems to love MAC mascaras.

Thanks for letting me know! Another product I can stop wasting my time lemming over!

My friend who already naturally has curly lashes uses the Dazzlelash and it looks great on her! Ugh, I doubt I'll ever find a mascara that will make my lashes look nice and won't undo my curl at the same time.


Well-known member
I love the liners!

I wasn't a big fan of the mascaras at all... Gave away my Mascara X and another one that I had a few years ago and can't even rem what it was... Was about to give my little sister my Zoom Lash too but then I tried it with the StudioGear primer and it was much better. I wear it when I am just out running errands and don't really care that much about my makeup haha.

The Plushlash is pretty good. It's my fav of all the MAC mascaras.

Are you using a primer with your mascara? I have found with their mascara, it is much better with a primer. But I still can't find anything better than Diorshow!


Well-known member
I agree, unless you like the look of spider eyes, I wouldn't buy the mascara, I honesty prefer maybeline's mascara, I use the one with the primer on one end and the mascara on the other(XXL), I also used the primer along with there 5x turbo lash and it's waaaaaaaayyyyy better then mac and much cheaper. As for eyeliner, I still agree, to me the best eyeliner, is "Rimmel London" in Black Magic. Those are my favorite, NON MAC items that actually work better then MAC!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm waayy over the fluidlines - I discovered Loreal's HIP creme liners and they're so much better. The HIP ones actually stay on my waterline (and everywhere else), they don't smudge on me, and HIP's black is a lot blacker than the blacktrack fluidline.

I do like the liquidlasts - they've got some great colors, and they stay on a long time, but they're a pain to work with.

I haven't tried any pencil liners from MAC.


Well-known member
I have decided never to buy a MAC mascara again. I tried Plush lash.. and I liked it.. then stopped liking it. Then I tried dazzlelash and I really liked it at first.. but then hated it. MAC mascaras irritate my eyes more than other brands. I am going to stick with clinique or drug store brands.


Well-known member
i love their liner. it's so vivid and stays on for ages for me. specifically their technakohl. i wanna give the penultimate a try
i love the concept haha.

as for their mascaras, i've only had one, which came in a holiday set and it seems to have disappeared. but while i had it , it was by far the best mascara i have ever had. i'm using some random brand i got from my mom and it's not so great =/


Well-known member
OK fluidline users, I have a question!

I love my fluidline, but can't apply it to my lower lash line. Why? Because The outer corners of my eyes seem to be teary a lot (?!) and the fluidline on my lower lashline in that corner just melts off, I always find it deposited under my eye in very short order.

So other than me having acid tears, what am I doing wrong with application here? I've tried setting it with shadow or powder, it just doesnt work. I'm at a loss.

If anyone has insight, I'd appreciate your ideas!