Applying For My First Job!


Well-known member

I've applied at atleast a million places, but no ones called me back yet. I'm a great and confident writer so filling out applications is easy and even slightly fun for me.

But... (And isn't their always a but?) I'm so awkward around people that when I go to turn them in, I don't feel like I connect with the potential employer.

I'm intelligent, but I'm shy and not very good being social, which counts for a lot. It also doesn't help I show up in ripped up jeans and teeshirts.

So, my question for you lovely ladies is; what's proper attire to wear (I'm applying at places like petsmart, local cafes, sub shops, nice but really casual places) and how do I 'sell' myself to these people?

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
You can always do khakis and a nice button down shirt. For retail, unless it's like Macy's, you can generally do nice, non-ripped jeans and a nice button down.

If helps matters, think of your interview clothes as like a costume for being yourself but polished and grown up. That's helped people I know do better on interviews and be more confident.


Well-known member
I've always found a nice shirt (not a regular everyday t-shirt, but a little bit of a dressier one), casual nice jeans and flats are always reliable. If you're applying for retail they're usually not too picky.

And as for the connection with people: my trick is to smile. I was the shiest person you could ever think of (I wouldn't even talk to cashiers- I always had someone else do it for me!), but then I started to realize that people get a better impression of you if you smile and are just generally polite when meeting them. Hand apps to managers if you can, shake their hand, and thank them for their time.

Good luck! Let us know how everything goes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark

If helps matters, think of your interview clothes as like a costume for being yourself but polished and grown up. That's helped people I know do better on interviews and be more confident.

This is so cute...and definitely true!
I still remember my first job interview, I was nervous as hell...not to mention that the guy doing the interviews is super harsh (but I worked for him for 7 years and he eventually warmed up-kinda)

I would agree with the posts above me, but I'd say to stay away from jeans-go for kakhis or black pants w/ a nice shirt-this way you can be a little dressier & go into a variety of places.

Definitely give the application to a manager, smile, say thank you & all of my last job I was an assistant manager, and I always remembered what people look like when they hand in applications & passed that along to the manager.

Also, remember to call the places a week or so later to follow-up on you application. Places like that get tons of applications every day, you want to be able to stand out & not get shoved to the bottom of the pile.

Good luck!


Well-known member
I agree with the PP. I wouldn't do jeans at all though. I always turned in my app and interviewed for places like that in black pants and either a cute blouse or a button down top... skirts are also appropriate. I know it's nerveracking but just smile a lot and be yourself. Make them remember you... MisStarrlight is right, they get SO many applications every day, it's important to make a good impression and to follow up. After you get hired the first time, it will get easier when you are looking for your next job. You'll get the hang of it after a couple of interviews. Try not to stress too much =)


Well-known member
About the jeans: I understand everyone else's points. I think the best advice for that is just be consious of where you're applying to.

I worked at Abercrombie back in the day. If someone came in wearing something that wasn't the 'look' they wanted, they weren't given a second look. Likewise, at the salon I'm at now, if someone doesn't dress a bit upscale, we generally don't think that's someone we want representing the establishment, y'know? It really all depends on where you're applying, and what they're looking for.


Well-known member
depends where you are applying for retail check out the place beforehand and dress like the staff are
for example for some nice boutique place where all the staff are wearing tailored trousers and shirts you wouldn't want to go in wearing shorts, a t shirt and flip flops

agree with the comment about ring them back after the interview. for my 1st job interview it went great the girl who interviewed me was really friendly and said she was going to contact everyone who applied by tuesday whether it was yay or nay. tuesday came and went and no word then wednesday so i decided to ring back, spoke to some girl who didnt really have a clue and wouldn't hand me over to the manager and said she would ring back. never did sooo
however kinda glad cos i wouldn;t have the job i have now and the place i applied to has such a high staff turnover rate

can't stress enough to hand the application to the manager if you give it to anyone more than likely it will get misplaced and if you give it to the manager he/she already knows what you look like and can put a face to a resume. If you do hand in a resume DEFINATLEY attach a cover letter which basically states why u want the job, how brilliant u r etc and if its for a store y ur so interested in fashion bla bla

oh anddd before my first ever interview i researched on google things like interview questions etc so i was prepared