Are these products authentic?


Well-known member
Yeah, looks good to me, too. Those are two of my favorites from the Archie's Girls Collection! Hope you like them.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else,

I have this complete collection and it matches perfectly..nice buy, what would have made you paranoid thinking they're fake?


New member
Sorry guys, I've been out of the country the past few weeks. I'm not sure, I just never bought a makeup item before that is not from a retail store if that make sense? I'm glad you guys feel its legit. I still haven't used any of it yet due to my paranoia, btw any ideas how to sanitize them? I was told it was already sanitized and the lipstick is new but I'll do it myself to be on the safe side.


Well-known member
I think it does, it smells like my only other mac lipstick, snob, thats a good sign right?
Definitely a good sign. MAC lipsticks should all have that scent unless its a very very old tube then the scent might have worn off.


Active member
All real MAC lipsticks, lipgloss, lipglass all their lip products smell like vanilla or cupcakes