awful, disgusting videos - Domino's Pizza


Well-known member
these stupid Dominos employees decided it'd be fun to post youtube videos featuring all the nasty things they do to the food.

It's disgusting. The youtube videos have been taken down, but this website still has them up. One video shows the guy making 'sneeze sticks', putting cheese up his nose, farting on the salami, etc.

these people were stupid enough to get it on video - it makes you wonder how often this goes on in fast food kitchens across the country

link to additional videos (one of which might be NSFW)


Well-known member
I just heard about this on the news. I heard one of these idiots is also a registered sex offender. I guess once a loser, always a loser............thank goodness they got fired. I don't even want to think about how often something like this happens.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
I just heard about this on the news. I heard one of these idiots is also a registered sex offender. I guess once a loser, always a loser............thank goodness they got fired. I don't even want to think about how often something like this happens.

yes, the woman in the video is a registered sex offender (molested a 14 yr old girl I believe)
The smoking has additional info on her criminal records


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
yes, the woman in the video is a registered sex offender (molested a 14 yr old girl I believe). The smoking has additional info on her criminal records

And here I was thinking it was that greasy looking guy. These people are sick.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
And here I was thinking it was that greasy looking guy. These people are sick.


on the other hand, this has been a P.R. nightmare for Dominos. I wonder how much this will affect their sales. I'm more of a pizza hut fan myself.. but for now I think i will take a break from ordering pizza


Well-known member
That is jus awful .
... i was jus gonna order me some dominos and to think about how many ppl really do nasty things like that makes me never wanna order dominos again or any fast food


Well-known member
What's most dissapointing is that these are no 16 year old teenagers but 30 something year old adults, thats pretty pathetic.

This stuff probably happens almost every where but to put it on tape??? I dont know if it was the girl in the video who posted these on youtube, because if it was... wow how fucking stupid can you be?

p.s. here is domino's response to all these videos
YouTube - Disgusting Dominos People - Domino's Responds


Well-known member
yeah, I believe it was the girl who put the videos up. she later apologized and said nobody ate the food they messed with. uh, yeah - sure whatever. Like that makes it ok?

^ and I wouldn't want to be that guy right now (President of Dominos).. it definitely hurts the image of the company, especially since it spread so quickly over the internet


Well-known member
people are so disgusting...makes you wonder what they actually put in their own damn mouth!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
yeah, I believe it was the girl who put the videos up. she later apologized and said nobody ate the food they messed with. uh, yeah - sure whatever. Like that makes it ok?

^ and I wouldn't want to be that guy right now (President of Dominos).. it definitely hurts the image of the company, especially since it spread so quickly over the internet

If nobody ate the food, why did the guy place the pizza on the box, cut it put in to slices, and place it on the "ready-to-serve" shelf?

Originally Posted by TISH1127
people are so disgusting...makes you wonder what they actually put in their own damn mouth!!

I heard on TV that one of the person in the video was a repeated sex offender. so.. you never know..


Well-known member
Oh I truly believe somebody ate it...I just have to Thank God I have not had Dominoes in about 8 years!! But whose to say what the other joints do....But at least we haven't had to hear about it


Well-known member
I feel really bad for Domino's right now. I understand it was allegedly an isolated event and that this doesn't (afaik!!) happen everywhere, but I am still so grossed out I don't want to buy their pizza for a long time. See what they have done to the company? Because it's not just me that feels this way, it's millions of people. I don't really eat domino's much anyways, but I don't really feel like doing it now. I hope they get sued too for doing that, I mean I doubt they're (the culprits) even worth much at all, but still, they have seriously impaired the company's image. We should all go out and buy a domino's pizza (even if we don't eat it, lol) just to boost their business during this hard time


Well-known member
This is such bs,when you hear about things like this,it's like whaaaa?I heard this happens at a lot of different places,hell,there's even shows on about this kind of thing!Wtf people eat that food,and anyone who does stuff to the food are just beyond sick
It also makes me wonder if I have actually eaten something that a worker did something to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
If nobody ate the food, why did the guy place the pizza on the box, cut it put in to slices, and place it on the "ready-to-serve" shelf?

according to this article, the food wasn't sent out. of course, it's difficult to know whether that is true or not.. apparently some people claimed they were getting sick because of it.

the video shows them packing the food up, so it is quite possible that it was sent out for delivery
and it's hard to believe the girl after what she did..

and this is what Kristy (the woman in the video) had to say about this -

I am sorry about all of this! It was all a prank and me nor Michael expected to have this much attention from the videos that were uploaded! No food was ever sent out to any customer. We would never put something like that on you tube if it were real!! It was fake and I wish that everyone knew that!!!! Michael never would do that to any customer, EVER!! I AM SOO SORRY! You see all the time of the pranks that people upload and the pranks need to seem real in order to get a laugh out of people but this prank was very very immature and I am sorry for the embarrasment that I have caused your company!

too late. how can it be fake if it was all caught on video?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I feel really bad for Domino's right now. I understand it was allegedly an isolated event and that this doesn't (afaik!!) happen everywhere

oops.. I didn't mean to type this happens everywhere, what I ment to say is, this probably isnt the first time something like this happened.

Did anyone ever see the video where the cook (?) pissed into the huge coffee mug and the coffee was actually served to people?


Well-known member
Domino's is pretty gross to begin with but I watched the video yesterday and thought it was so disgusting.

It's really sad to see people abuse the trust consumers put in them to prepare their food.

I've heard rumors of even worse things going on in pizza/fast food chains. I actually have a friend who said one of his coworkers jizzed in a pack of cheese and used that to make pizza... I hope that isn't true!!!

I kind of found it funny that the girl was reading a book by Tori Spelling and admitted it! She really has no shame, does she. (I'm kidding!... no I'm not)


Well-known member
I feel SO bad for Dominos right now...especially in a shitbox economy where everyone is hurting.

But you know- Wendy's had the finger in the chili incident (which was a falsified story by some loony chick) and they survived.

Those trashy people...rot in jail! I hope someone sticks a salami up their asses and then makes them eat it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Those trashy people...rot in jail! I hope someone sticks a salami up their asses and then makes them eat it.



Well-known member
That's so disgusting!! How sick can these people be??

I haven't had Domino's for ages. I used to go there a lot, well, they had discount for students...