Aww, SHE'S working it better than beyonce this time! lmfao


Well-known member
Wow she is good so cute


Well-known member
OMG I would give my child a good slap if they were that young and I came home to see they watched MTV long enough to learn that dance.. i'm sorry.. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
OMG I would give my child a good slap if they were that young and I came home to see they watched MTV long enough to learn that dance.. i'm sorry.. lol

LOL....right. It's cute but then it's not. It makes me think about my grandmother commenting on my 2 year old cousin. She likes to snap her fingers and sing and dance and my grandmother always says, "she better be learning her ABC's if she can do all that."


Well-known member
Thats adorable! When I was a kid I was dancing to everything I saw too and dressing up. I dont see anything bad in it, she is artistic and just having fun! I found a friend for her, he is soooo cute too man.

YouTube - Little Tupac


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jinxii
lol Beyonce actually posted this video on her official website.

showing off her young recruits.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
I found a friend for her, he is soooo cute too man.

OMG - awww!!

Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
showing off her young recruits.

lmao You are so unimpressed by this thread!
When I was a little girl I always danced to music videos...and all it did was make me a good dancer haha. Obviously, there's a limit. But to me, this is a little harmless fun!


Well-known member
I agree that's harmless. It's good for a kid to move around, even for health - plastic and coordination. All it did for me was make me feel the rhytm better. And I was dancing to everything I saw on tv - Madonna etc, plus putting on a red lipstick. Its good for a kid to be artistic.


Well-known member
I'm just curious as to how this is different to that little girl doing make up tutorials. The girl is cute but it's a little disturbing that there's a video of her dancing like that on the internet for anyone to see. I don't think there's anything wrong with her dancing, it's just the part of it being on youtube that I'm not too fond about. The little Tupac guy is adorable though


Well-known member
I think it's cute as long as it's someone else's daughter and not mine...Some of the moves my dh would have a cow over at that age...Like what 3.... But I am not into the 3-4 year old Beauty pagents where they wear tons of makeup and look like 25 y/o midgets...Like Jon Benet...that disturbs me personally...But I don't knock what other people do with their own kids...That is probably why God did not give me a girl....she would have such a boring child like life.