Back2Mac Lipstick Recommendations


I have 12 Mac empties that I want to trade in for 2 lipsticks so I can expand my lip collection.

My hair is platinum blonde with a fringe at the moment so I'm looking for some bright coloured lipsticks, the ones I've been looking at are Show Orchid, Girl About Town and Vegas Volt. I haven't seen Vegas Volt in real life because I couldn't find it in the store near me - it was just too busy. The only thing is I have a bright pink and a sort of frosty coral from Barry M already, I also have Russian Red, Ruby Woo, Impassioned and Blankety from Mac.

So I'm kinda looking for recommendations on what bright colours are really unmissable, lip stuff is the one area of Mac I don't know much about.

That being said, I've always wanted to buy Myth but I'm afraid a pale lip wouldn't work on me.

Here's a recent picture of me to see my colouring (though is is before I cut my fringe and did my roots


Well-known member
Show Orchid is awesome; super-bright fuchsia pink for the win! However, it's dupable, so I might not make that recommendation.

You seem to like bold reds and pinks, so you may want to half-and-half it: one bold red/pink, like Girl About Town or Dubonnet, and then a more nude color, like Myth.


Thanks Kragey

I went in to have a look today and they didn't have Myth (it must be really popular here in Dublin, because I saw it written in the Back2Mac book a lot)

I tried on Girl about Town but it's really similar to the Barry M pink I have so I went with Show Orchid because of it's blue sheen. I also got Up the Amp, because I thought it looked pretty but also kinda edgy.

Thanks for your advice and I'll be sure to check out Myth if they get it back in stock


Well-known member
i recently got myth and hate it! it makes me look like i'm dead, i've tried various glosses over it and i'm still not liking how it looks. hue is a much more subtle nude for me... so perhaps give that one a look at to see which you like better


Originally Posted by Katjamo
But I love your lips on that picture! What lipstick is that?

It's Benefit Silky Finish Lipstick in Frenched, it's a lovely lipstick, really moisturising, it's quite sheer though.

I'm loving Show Orchid and Up the Amp, I was actually surprised at how wearable Up the Amp is.

EvoPandaPnay & LMD84

I am afraid that a nude lip would make me look dead too, I have blankety but it's not very pale on me. I'm gonna rock the bright colours for a while anyway and then try a pale lip when I'm more comfortable wearing lipstick more often. I'm probably doing things the wrong way round, but screw it I like bright colours.